
September 10th 2006
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Key Features:
AMD CPU AMD Graphics Custom Paint Job
System Specs:
  • AMD Athlon 3000+@2805Mhz, ATI Radeon X1600XT (621\1600), ASUS A8N-SLI, and a lot of Zalman
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7 Comments on ZalmanZ

not a suicide-bomber
you just need some zalman fans and a case, and you're set :)
Posted on Reply
Lol I think your CPU cooler is on wrong. Should be exausting.
Posted on Reply
not a suicide-bomber
POGELol I think your CPU cooler is on wrong. Should be exausting.
the problem is the board i think
Posted on Reply
ptthe problem is the board i think
well, it kinda looks better like that, but if he had a psu fan blowing up... it woulda had some koo airflow... so hes gfx card heat, cpu heat, goes the the psu, and blows out of it :P
Posted on Reply
Azn Tr14dZ
ptthe problem is the board i think
Not the board, you can mount it horizontally or vertically.
Posted on Reply
not a suicide-bomber
Azn Tr14dZNot the board, you can mount it horizontally or vertically.
i tought it was the board, some asus board the socket is 90º turned and this happens
Posted on Reply
Azn Tr14dZ
Even if the socket is turned 90 degrees, like DFI's boards, you can still adjust the way it's facing, Zalman allows it.

The thing in the middle, that is where the clip holds on to, and you can either put the clip between the heatpipes, or through the open space, so it can face either way you want.
Posted on Reply
Sep 30th, 2024 09:15 EDT change timezone

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