December 23rd 2014
8,707 times
Superb (8.4)
Voting Graph 21 votes total
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Key Features:
High Rated Intel CPU NVIDIA Graphics Custom Paint Job Water-cooled
This modder's other projects:
System Specs:
  • i7 4770k
  • Asus SABRANCO Z97
  • Asus GTX 780ti DCUII
  • Corsair Dominator Platinum 16gb
  • Cooler Master V850
  • Cooler Master CM690 III
  • Cooler Master Jetflo Fans
  • Intel 730 240gb SSD
  • WD 1tb HDD
  • Bitspower Blocks
  • Bitspower Radiator
  • Bitspower Reservoir
  • Bitspower Fittings
  • Bitspower Crystal Link Tubing
  • EK DCP 4.0 Pump
Performed Mods:
paint job top grill PSU cover fan controller mount GPU back plate cable sleeves
sequel to the 2013 Cooler Master Case Mod 3rd place in tower mod winner?
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10 Comments on CENTURION 2

woow nice and the theme is pretty simple and consistent
Posted on Reply
How did you attach the backplate on the GPU?
Posted on Reply
awesome case,very beautiful, congratulations to the creator at work
Posted on Reply
Nice but nothing really original, it is just a well finished PC watercooled
Posted on Reply
KiraNice but nothing really original, it is just a well finished PC watercooled
custom gpu back plate.. custom top panel, custom reservoir mount, custom PSU cover, custom fan controller mount, custom HDD mount, custom front panel, custom paint, custom sleeving.. seeing your past comments on other builds tells me you know nothing about what you are saying really. please, have the guts to show your own work. we all would like to see. =)

PS, thank you for the vote though.
Posted on Reply
KiraNice but nothing really original, it is just a well finished PC watercooled
It's comments like yours that really make me sad... the ignorance of what your saying is just mind blowing. Maybe you don't know... maybe you do... there seems to be a group of you who look at a very well built and thought out design. Mainly those who have a super clean, super neat look... go check some sites and see if you can find the pieces to build a computer such as this... Yes you can find fittings, tubing, etc.. but trust me when I say the tubing does not come cut, nor do they make all white plates like this guy has for a gpu. If you have something negative to say please add some intelligent reason behind why you feel this way...

now to the builder did you use white acrylic for your custom panels? I love how clean this build looks.. I'm wanting to do an all white build however I'm stuck on which case to get... and what GPU to get as well, since I want everything to be "white" lol but the plate I see on your gpu looks stunning. Such amazing work and attention to detail. Also please don't mind the knuckle heads on here.. you're build is awesome, an inspiration!
Posted on Reply
OfXaosIf you have something negative to say please add some intelligent reason behind why you feel this way...
+1 OfXaos, about time someone told him that.
Posted on Reply
Sep 18th, 2024 11:37 EDT change timezone

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