Red King

March 13th 2016
3,944 times
Good (5.3)
Voting Graph 13 votes total
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Key Features:
Intel CPU AMD Graphics Custom Paint Job
This modder's other projects:
System Specs:
  • Intel I5 4690k
  • Corsair Hydro 110I GT
  • Sapphire R9 270X 4GB
  • Msi gaming 3
  • HyperX Savage 16gb 1866Mhz
  • BeQuiet Dark Power Pro 11 650W
  • WD 1TB Hdd
  • TP-link Wificard
Performed Mods:
Custom PSU cover Wrapped entire chassi in a blood red vinyl Custom sidewindow Removed HDD bay Custom Fan "mesh" panels Stickerbombed the inside Sleeved entire PSU Custom Backlit motherboard panel
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8 Comments on Red King

Nice, dont know who the ass was who put a 1 but i gave a 6 :)
Posted on Reply
ApollyonNice, dont know who the ass was who put a 1 but i gave a 6 :)
Thanks a lot man! :D
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
Why no pictures showing the entire case?
Posted on Reply
FrickWhy no pictures showing the entire case?
Oh, I thought I had them in there. My bad, I'll update as soon as I get home!
Posted on Reply
FrickWhy no pictures showing the entire case?
Uploaded some new pics of the whole case! :)
Posted on Reply
Sorin Taran
I voted 8/10 because:

In my oppinion your computer deserves an 8. Great job
Posted on Reply
I voted 9/10 because:

well done
Posted on Reply
I did a 6. I think the sticker bomb looks too busy, and prefer cables sewn or combed to braided. I like your build quite a lot however.
Posted on Reply
Sep 18th, 2024 12:39 EDT change timezone

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