August 24th 2016
2,812 times
Really ugly (1.5)
Voting Graph 11 votes total
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Key Features:
AMD CPU AMD Graphics
System Specs:
  • AMD ATHLON X4 640 3.0ghz QUAD CORE
  • 8gb ram DDR2
  • HD 6950 Sapphire 2gb gddr5
  • HDD 500gb WDC 10000rpm
  • PSU HKC 550W
Please Rate this.. just 14 years old and i build this pc :D LOVE ALL
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2 Comments on COOLER MASTER

Nice, I would put the sticker away from the monitor. And maybe some better noise solution would be great - unless the case is so close to your ears. I will not rate this mod, but i think that if you are 14yo your next mod will be even better.
Posted on Reply
looks nice, neat but its kinda hard to see more
btw why you dont try something simple like painting your case
you got nice start
Posted on Reply
Sep 18th, 2024 11:22 EDT change timezone

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