Performed Mods:
Midplate custom made long version with pass through fittings.
Custom made covers for 5.25 drive left right back and side panel.
Angle loop bracket for Ekwb Flt 360
Removed sticker from Rtx 2080 super waterforce with heat gun.
Time Spent:
has being modded 3 times so alot of time
Corsair 900D Aorus Build all parts are rgb fusion compatible. Its Being case that have changed 3 times tubing and last change i did was changing from Tube Reservoir to Flat reservoir from Ekwb Flt 360 .
3 Comments on Corsair 900D
I know it's meant to be a B, but looks like D.
Long shot .. do you have the dimensions of the mid plate you could give me ?
i have made several templates but cant seem to get it right :(