Not too shabby for what you're runnin, I do agree with Wile E's comments. Sleeving those wires would help, and overall, it looks nice Wazzle. I'll give ya 6/10. If you can get your hands on a Corsair, they come with all sorts of long cables that can help with routing and hiding, but I think a lot of companies are taking that strategy, or at least should be now-a-days. You did a good job of keeping things simple for sure!
I have the 2.1 version of your speakers, I love em! I don't use them as much since they get loud easily, I resort to my Magnum Headset for loudness, but these logitech speakers are still great!
And LoL at everyone flaming Kenny, at least he was honest in his opinions, he just didn't support them with explanation...doh! I thought Zero Cool's was the funniest, it almost seemed as if he got personally offended by Kenny's comments that were directed at Wazzle's PC, is there a little tension there or what?! rofl!
KursahNot too shabby for what you're runnin, I do agree with Wile E's comments. Sleeving those wires would help, and overall, it looks nice Wazzle. I'll give ya 6/10. If you can get your hands on a Corsair, they come with all sorts of long cables that can help with routing and hiding, but I think a lot of companies are taking that strategy, or at least should be now-a-days. You did a good job of keeping things simple for sure!
I have the 2.1 version of your speakers, I love em! I don't use them as much since they get loud easily, I resort to my Magnum Headset for loudness, but these logitech speakers are still great!
And LoL at everyone flaming Kenny, at least he was honest in his opinions, he just didn't support them with explanation...doh! I thought Zero Cool's was the funniest, it almost seemed as if he got personally offended by Kenny's comments that were directed at Wazzle's PC, is there a little tension there or what?! rofl!
12 Comments on Wazzle's rig
Its an average computer.
Having exorbitantly high standards for hiding cables doesn't mean your airflow is infinitely better ;)
Kenny, I think you would throw up if you saw my comp :D.
To improve, I'd say try your best to do something about the wires. Even just sleeving them would probably go a long way.
Gets a "Good" from me. 5/10. Higher with some wiring work.
I have the 2.1 version of your speakers, I love em! I don't use them as much since they get loud easily, I resort to my Magnum Headset for loudness, but these logitech speakers are still great!
And LoL at everyone flaming Kenny, at least he was honest in his opinions, he just didn't support them with explanation...doh! I thought Zero Cool's was the funniest, it almost seemed as if he got personally offended by Kenny's comments that were directed at Wazzle's PC, is there a little tension there or what?! rofl!
Anyway, yeah I have to agree with everyone but Kenny, nice average rig man.