Razer Announces the Raion Arcade Fightpad
Razer has announced the Raion, an arcade fightpad for PS4 and PC, with top tier tournament features giving players the control and accuracy of a fullsize fightstick in the palm of their hands.
Designed from the ground up for the fighting game community, the Raion features a 6-button layout on the face of the fightpad, a tactile 8-way D-pad, and the traditional shoulder and trigger buttons. This layout offers a greater variety of input options for both standard and 'claw' grip style players. A competition mode disables extra buttons to ensure uninterrupted gaming and the PS4 touchpad has all the console functions players expect from their controller.
Designed from the ground up for the fighting game community, the Raion features a 6-button layout on the face of the fightpad, a tactile 8-way D-pad, and the traditional shoulder and trigger buttons. This layout offers a greater variety of input options for both standard and 'claw' grip style players. A competition mode disables extra buttons to ensure uninterrupted gaming and the PS4 touchpad has all the console functions players expect from their controller.