UCIe Consortium Releases UCIe 2.0 Specification
Today the Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express (UCIe) Consortium announced the release of its 2.0 Specification. The UCIe 2.0 Specification adds support for a standardized system architecture for manageability and holistically addresses the design challenges for testability, manageability, and debug (DFx) for the SIP lifecycle across multiple chiplets - from sort to management in the field. The introduction of optional manageability features and a UCIe DFx Architecture (UDA), which includes a management fabric within each chiplet for testing, telemetry, and debug functions, allows vendor agnostic chiplet interoperability across a flexible and a unified approach to SIP management and DFx operations.
Additionally, the 2.0 Specification supports 3D packaging - offering higher bandwidth density and improved power efficiency compared to 2D and 2.5D architectures. UCIe-3D is optimized for hybrid bonding with a bump pitch functional for bump pitches as big as 10-25 microns to as small as 1 micron or less to provide flexibility and scalability.
Additionally, the 2.0 Specification supports 3D packaging - offering higher bandwidth density and improved power efficiency compared to 2D and 2.5D architectures. UCIe-3D is optimized for hybrid bonding with a bump pitch functional for bump pitches as big as 10-25 microns to as small as 1 micron or less to provide flexibility and scalability.