In order to find out the overclocking potential of the Albatron K8SLI, we put a Dangerden TDX waterblock on our CPU and set the multiplier to 4x with a memory divider of 2:1. This is to make sure that neither the CPU nor the memory are limiting our overclock here.
A maximum FSB of 390 MHz is just awesome, especially for me who's an Intel user.
For a more real-world overclocking score we left the multiplier at 9x and slowly increased the FSB. Since our memory can not run that fast, we had to drop the memory ratio to 2:3 which means the memory was running at DDR400 while the CPU ran at 2700 MHz. The board was no limiting factor here at any time, the CPU's limit is 2700 MHz, sometimes when the water is cool a few MHz more.
When it comes to overclocking I have to say that the Albatron K8SLI is a great overclocker, especially if you look at the benchmarks which show that the performance gains when overclocking are better than for example the DFI LanParty NF4 UT.
A few more overclocking options in the BIOS would definitely be nice, especially more options to tweak memory timings, of which the Athlon64 has a lot.