The shape of the T.G.A. Wired is best described as a slightly bigger and bulkier Zowie S2. Much like the latter, the hump is placed more towards the back, sloping down organically towards both ends with the back flaring out more than the front and the sides curving inwards. The HK Gaming Naos-M is a more faithful recreation of the original S2 (euphemistically speaking), whereas the T.G.A. Wired feels slightly different in hand, albeit still easily recognizable as an S2. Despite the T.G.A. Wired hardly weighing more than the Naos-M, holes as a weight-reduction measure barely see any use. In fact, when using the solid back cover, the T.G.A. Wired doesn't have any. The same shell has also seen use on the Sharkoon Light² 180, among others. Overall, a tried and tested shape that works well in practice.
As for grip styles, I'd say the T.G.A. Wired mostly suits claw and fingertip grip. It is a medium-sized mouse with a moderately pronounced hump, which should make it generally suit most hand sizes. For reference, my hands are 19 cm long and 10 cm wide, and I found the T.G.A. Wired very comfortable in claw grip.
This table includes the dimensions of the AQIRYS T.G.A. Wired and several other ambidextrous mice. "Front height" denotes the distance between the base and main buttons. Measurements with two decimals have been taken with a caliper, while those with one decimal have been taken with a ruler. For a full list of all measurements taken, please refer to this sheet compiled by an esteemed community member.
T.G.A. Wired
Viper Mini
Burst Pro
Base Length
11.5 cm
11.0 cm
10.5 cm
11.6 cm
11.6 cm
11.6 cm
Length (including overhang)
12.05 cm
11.92 cm
11.74 cm
12.04 cm
11.85 cm
11.90 cm
Front Height (lowest point)
1.2 cm
1.3 cm
0.9 cm
1.1 cm
1.4 cm
0.5 cm
Height (highest point)
3.84 cm
3.80 cm
3.80 cm
3.89 cm
3.75 cm
3.79 cm
Front Width (widest point)
6.12 cm
6.13 cm
5.91 cm
5.83 cm
5.74 cm
6.09 cm
Back Width (widest point)
6.36 cm
6.29 cm
6.12 cm
6.72 cm
6.28 cm
6.24 cm
Grip Width (narrowest point)
5.79 cm
5.80 cm
5.63 cm
5.84 cm
5.54 cm
5.71 cm
Below are some comparison shots with each of the measured mice: