Arctic Silver ArctiClean Review 29

Arctic Silver ArctiClean Review

Testing 2 »


The first test I did, was to taste a few drops it. At first, there is not much of taste, after a few seconds, a taste like lemon peel comes up and stays for quite some time, even if you drink something.
I can only confirm what ArcticSilver writes in the Instructions "Do not put ArctiClean products in your mouth." - It's not worth it.

Intel Pentium 3 Heatsink

This aged heatsink base will be used to test how well ArctiClean can dissolve a thermal pad.

This is the heatsink as I found it in my junk, dust wiped off with a cloth.

Add a good amount of ArctiClean 1. Actually not that much is needed, but this was the first test I did, so I wanted to be sure.

After 30 seconds, the dissolved pad can be wiped off really easy.

After an application of ArctiClean 2, the heatsink base is really shiny and clean.

Now you think, that this thermal pad is easy to get off. That is not the case. Let's try the other side, without ArctiClean.

First we tried with pure water. Absolutely no go.

When using dish washing fluid nothing changes.

Next we used some more brutal methods. With a knife the thermal pad could be scraped off.

This is the best result I could achieve with a knife and other cleaning fluids. Please note that the base is very scratched now. If the scratches were where the CPU makes contact with the heatsink, thermal transfer would certainly be considerably reduced.

We used ArctiClean 1 in the same spot, the results speak for themselves.

This is the final heatsink base after cleaning with ArcticClean.
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