Overclocking works basically the same as on previous NVIDIA GeForce graphics cards.
With Blackwell, NVIDIA has removed the "Hot Spot" sensor, you still have access to "GPU Temperature" and "Memory Temperature." While there was always some drama around Hot Spot, it was useful to diagnose a misaligned cooler or waterblock.
Another Blackwell change is that NVIDIA is now blocking memory OC if it's higher than +375 MHz (+3000 MT/s). Setting any higher value will result in a maximum frequency of +375 getting applied, no matter how high the requested value.
(*) = This card is already running at its maximum power limit out of the box
Testing notes & interpretation- Overclocking results listed in this section are achieved with the default fan, power, and voltage settings as defined in the VGA BIOS. We choose this approach as it is the most realistic scenario for most users.
- Each GPU, including each GPU of the same make and model, will overclock slightly differently based on random production variances.
- The data in this table shows comparable overclocks using identical conditions from previous TechPowerUp reviews.