Corsair HX850 V2 850 W Review 18

Corsair HX850 V2 850 W Review

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Performance Rating

The following graph shows the total performance rating of the PSU in comparison to other units we have tested before. To be more specific, the tested unit is shown as 100% and all other units' performance is relative to it. If you want to know the exact method that we use to calculate the performance rating of each PSU, then read this article.

Performance per Dollar

For most of you probably, the following graph is the most interesting, since it shows the price per performance of the PSU that you may be considering buying. We looked up the current USD price of each PSU on the popular online shop Newegg and used it along with the relative performance numbers to calculate the performance per dollar index. If Newegg didn't have a stock of a specific unit, we searched for it at other popular online shops (e.g., TigerDirect, Amazon) and, finally, if the unit was not sold in the USA, we searched the product at popular EU shops (e.g., Caseking) and then, if found, converted its price to USD (w/o VAT). Note that, in the following graph, all numbers are normalized by the rated power of each PSU.

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