Board Software
The ECS P67H2-A2’s software comes in the form of many separate utilities, each with a specific purpose. There are tools for BIOS and driver updates, called eBLU and eDLU respectively, as well as eGS, a tool for customization of power profiles to energy savings. Upon playing with eGS, we found it to only interact with Windows power profiles, and changing modes did not exact any VRM power savings under load or idle conditions that could not be noticed via direct Windows power settings.
The contrast to which is provided by eSF, and eOC, two utilities that do offer customization of the ECS P67H2-A2’s hardware, with eSF offering fan control, and eOC offering both monitoring of systems voltages and temperatures as well as voltage adjustments via an “Advanced” tab. However, we do not advise using the eOC software for voltage adjustments, as the shown values will change dynamically, leaving us unsure of what changes the software might actually do.