Enermax Platimax 1200 W Review 2

Enermax Platimax 1200 W Review

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Ripple Measurements

In the following table you will find the ripple levels that we measured on the main rails of EPM1200EWT. According to ATX specification the limits are 120 mV (+12V) and 50 mV (5V, 3.3V and 5VSB).

Ripple Measurements
Enermax EPM1200EWT
Test12 V5 V3.3 V5VSBPass/Fail
20% Load12.1 mV17.8 mV15.4 mV10.3 mVPass
40% Load16.0 mV20.6 mV18.3 mV12.2 mVPass
50% Load18.3 mV21.4 mV19.4 mV13.7 mVPass
60% Load19.4 mV23.4 mV22.0 mV14.9 mVPass
80% Load23.7 mV28.3 mV23.6 mV15.1 mVPass
100% Load27.2 mV32.7 mV25.3 mV17.8 mVPass
Crossload 133.3 mV39.4 mV26.4 mV12.3 mVPass
Crossload 213.3 mV18.3 mV17.4 mV15.0 mVPass

Ripple suppression at +12V is impressive. Even at full load and with the high temperature we pumped into the hotbox the above rail did not exceed 30mV at full load. The minor rails showed decent ripple suppression which is away from the 50mV limit, however we have seen other high-end units registering much less ripple on these rails. Strangely enough at CL1 test ripple on almost all rails (except 5VSB) increased. Apparently we pushed the minor rails to their limits during this test. At CL2 test the unit delivers 100A at +12V registering at the same time only 13.3mV of ripple on the same rail. This is what we call jaw-dropping performance!

Ripple at Full Load

In the following oscilloscope screenshots you can see the AC ripple and noise that the main rails registered (+12V, 5V, 3.3V and 5VSB). The bigger the fluctuations on the oscilloscope's screen the bigger the ripple/noise. For all measurements we set 0.01 V/Div (each vertical division/box equals to 0.01V) as standard.

Ripple at Crossload 1

Ripple at Crossload 2

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