Using the display takes some time getting accustomed to, as the hot keys are not the kind you would use every day. But once the basic moves like switching plugins and moving within them has been set up, it is perfect for checking on the info wanted. The following screen shots are not of every plugin available to the Pertelian X2040. I have taken a small selection of all the preinstalled and some custom plugins, available on the Pertelian homepage.
Once you start the software for the first time, you are greeted by the default screen. The first thing I did, was to change the front to techPowerUp!.com which was quite easy. The E0I0 stand for E-mail and Instant messages. As soon as one of these is received, the counter rises by one.
The systems information plugin displays some interesting system stats. It is nice to see the page file listed as well. The weather plugin gives you the current temperature at the set location and its three day forecast. The text scrolls by at different intervals, due to uneven text length in each line. Taking a picture of all lines pausing at the same time after a full scroll is impossible. The songsearch feature is very useful for searching songs in a currently playing play list, without having to open up the Windows Media Player or Winamp.
You can also keep track of your favorite stocks with the Pertelian. Just enter the desired symbol into the software. You can also follow multiple shares on the display. Another nice feature is the IRC. This is quite similar to the TeamSpeak feature, but here you can actually see what the other people in the room are writing. Pertelian is logging into the IRC network in the screen shot above. The email plugin is quite straight forward. You will either see an increase in numbers on the main screen, letting you know that there are unread emails, or you can check in detail through the plugin itself.
The XBox Gamertag plugin shows you the stats of the set tag. You can see the Score, the type of gamer, the stars and the Gamertag itself. Very nice feature, as you do not need to log into your Xbox account to check it out. The media plugin shows you what song is currently playing and also displays the length of song as well as a progress bar. The network plugin will let you know what kind of traffic is passing in and out of your NIC in real time.
Another very simple, but quite effective plugin displays the time and date. So no more excuses like "I lost track of time" during long night gaming sessions. All the info you need is displayed. Another very interesting plugin is the "current application". It shows the name of the one application currently being "in focus" in Windows, the amount of CPU cycles it uses as well as the memory it is currently occupying.
The start screen adapts to the certain applications running. It will display the title of a song playing or lets you know that there has been a new post at a forum of your choice.