The Fractal Design Node 304 does not only look good on the outside, but it also makes great use of its space within. It is clearly the evolution of the Array case: it still offers the ability to install loads of hard drives while also giving the user the ability to go for a big, high-performance GPU. This means that the Node 304 can house a great gaming system, especially as you may also install a fairly large CPU cooler. That said, it still has that storage-unit feel and functionally, which may put a few gamers off. Missing an external drive bay and a reset button put a slight dampener on the Node 304 as a real LAN-party chassis, but it should feel right at home as a storage/media center/gaming unit next to your TV by, for example, allowing you to combine all three aspects with a high-end graphics card, operating system SSD, and three large spinning-drives in Raid 5. Overall, the Node 304 makes a cool and useful impression with a surprising amount of space and flexible usability. Now, just slap a slimline drive-bay in to make it the perfect all-rounder chassis, Fractal Design!