Horizon Zero Dawn Benchmark Test & Performance Analysis 58

Horizon Zero Dawn Benchmark Test & Performance Analysis

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Graphics Settings

Graphics related settings are split between two sections: "Display" and "Graphics".

  • Field of view can be adjusted between 70 degrees (default) and 100 degrees. I found 90 degrees a better choice than the default.
  • "Adaptive Performance FPS" lets you set an FPS target between 30 and 120 FPS, which the game will try to maintain by dynamically adjusting the resolution.
  • The FPS limit can be disabled completely, or you may choose between 30 FPS and 120 FPS.
  • Using "Render Scale", you can adjust the render resolution for the game; the HUD will always be rendered at native, so it'll stay crisp and sharp. Values range from 50% to 100%.
  • HZD supports "windowed", "fullscreen", and "borderless".
  • V-Sync can be turned off to remove any FPS cap
  • With a supporting monitor, HDR can be enabled
  • Please note that changing the resolution often doesn't have the desired effect unless you restart the game to apply the new setting. For example, when you switch from 1920x1080 to 2560x1440, the game will apply the new setting, but the monitor will still run at 1080p, with the 1440p rendered output getting downscaled to match the output—this will result in lower-quality rendering and can be fixed by restarting the game.
  • Unlike other games, which offer the usual Ultra, High, Medium, and Low options, HZD gives you "Favor Performance", "Original", "Favor Quality", and "Ultimate Quality".
  • Anti-aliasing options are "off", "camera based", "FXAA", "SMAA", and "TAA". MSAA or NVIDIA DLSS is not available.
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