Synthetic Benchmarks
Possibly the best known and widely used synthetic benchmark, 3D Mark Vantage tests the gaming performance of the PC. PC Mark Vantage on the other hand tests other performance aspects of the PC like video encoding, home entertainment multimedia features, working in an office environment, and basic gaming.
Futuremark's synthetic benchmarks give us a first glimpse at Pentium E6300 performance, and while it scores some decent numbers in total 3D Mark Vantage score, its main competitor Athlon II X3 425 is far out of reach in every other synthetic benchmark.
3D Mark Vantage
PC Mark Vantage
wPrime 32M
Prime is a benchmarking application designed to use a highly multithreaded approach to calculate the square-roots of large amounts of numbers, primarily used by overclockers to check the stability and performance of overclocked CPUs.