Solid headphones usually cost a bunch, but Takstar pretty much nails what you want from a rugged set of closed-back headphones with the HD5500s. For on-the-go use, these are near perfect, the sound quality great and the headphones comfortable. The cups are not huge, so people with really large ears might feel them as they rub up against the tips of their ears slightly. The cable is user-replaceable, which is a huge pro in my book as this is often what breaks first. Takstar includes a carrying pouch for some protection, but the headphones are pretty solid, so I would not worry a lot about carrying them around in a backpack.
The HD5500s provide a really good price performance/ratio, whether you use them on the go or for gaming at home. Their closed-back design is neat since it is the reason they do not leak any sound. For a sub-$100 headphone, these do sound really good, and their mechanical design is good to boot!