"Hellblade II: Senua's Saga," developed by Ninja Theory and published by Microsoft Xbox Game Studios, is the sequel to "Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice" (2017). The game continues the story of Senua, a female warrior grappling with severe mental health issues and psychosis. Set in a dark, mythological version of 9th century Iceland, Senua embarks on a journey driven by her inner demons and visions. As she faces new and terrifying challenges, Senua must confront her past and uncover the truth behind her haunting visions. Ninja Theory is known for their detailed representation of mental health issues—"Hellblade II" aims to offer an even more profound and emotionally impactful experience than its predecessor.
Hellblade II: Senua's Saga leverages Epic's Unreal Engine 5 to deliver stunning visuals through advanced rendering techniques. The game utilizes Nanite technology for highly detailed environments and Lumen for dynamic global illumination and reflections. Despite these advanced graphics, the game does not implement hardware ray tracing, instead it relies on software methods provided by Unreal Engine to achieve realistic lighting and shadows.
In terms of upscalers, almost everything is included. There's support for NVIDIA DLSS 2 Super Resolution, AMD FSR 2 Super Resolution and Intel XeSS. Frame Generation using NVIDIA DLSS 3 is supported, there is no support for AMD FSR 3 Frame Generation though.
This benchmark review will evaluate the performance of Hellblade II on a wide selection of modern graphics cards, show image quality comparisons and look at what's required in terms of VRAM usage.