To kick things off, we ran CrystalDiskMark, as it's a quick and easy test to run and gives us a baseline for the drive performance. We ran the benchmark using all available RAID modes. Note that we re-ran this test several times to verify the numbers, and we produced similar results each time. Overall the performance was as expected, with the Random 4K Q1T1 test having some very strange performance issues across all the different configurations. We contacted TerraMaster about this, but we weren't given any solution to the problem.
To make sure that the networking interfaces were working as intended, we ran iPerf3. This is mainly to make sure that there are no issues with the drivers on the NAS and the F4-424 performed as expected, hitting 2.37 Gbps both directions.
The next test is simply called the NAS performance tester, and now we're getting in to some actual drive benchmarks. We configured the NAS performance tester to use an 8 GB data set which is deleted and re-created during each iteration of the test. The test runs five iterations for the read and write operations. The reason the test data is deleted between each test run is to prevent any kind of caching from taking place.
Helios LanTest
Helios TRAID 2.5 Gbps
Helios RAID 5 2.5 Gbps
Helios RAID 1 2.5 Gbps
Helios RAID 0 2.5 Gbps
The fourth and final synthetic benchmark test is a tool called Helios LanTest which runs seven different tests to measure both response time, but also raw throughput of a NAS. We ran the test fives times which produces an average of those five runs to eliminate potential outliers. Due to a slightly smaller data set, we can see slightly improved performance compared to the NAS performance tester. We also didn't observe the strange results we saw in CrystalDiskMark here.