The Tt eSPORTSPoseidon Z RGB comes in a package very similar to that of other Thermaltake products, a familiar red and black box with a picture of the product on top. It is always good when a company tries to keep packaging similar as it gives them a brand identity. If you are particularly fond of a company with similar packaging throughout, you'll know exactly what to look for when visiting hardware stores or browsing online.
Thermaltake placed some pertinent information that will ensure users only buy the keyboard they want where it is hard to miss, like that this is a keyboard with Blue switches, a clicky switch with tactile feedback. So far, there is no mention of who makes these switches, but it does say that they are "Tt Certified." We also see that this keyboard comes with a 5-year warranty, which always gives customers a little bit of faith in a product's longevity.
The rear of the box gives us even more, showing us some of the keyboard's features, such as its programmable macros, brightness and media-control keys, and RGB LEDs.
Also on the back of the box is more information on the switch type; we now see that this keyboard uses Kailh switches, which actuate at 19mm and bottom out at 4mm, and that these take an operating force of 50gf and a tactile force of 60gf.
The other sides of the box are mostly covered in branding; there are some labels to show us that the keyboard complies with certain safety measures, but Thermaltake doesn't really mention anything that sets this keyboard apart from others on these sides of the box.