Monday, December 14th 2009

NVIDIA Pitches GeForce GTX 300 Series to Clinch Performance Crown
NVIDIA's latest DirectX 11 compliant GPU architecture, codenamed "Fermi," is getting its first consumer graphics (desktop) implementation in the form of the GeForce GTX 300 series. The nomenclature turned from being obvious to clear, with a set of company slides being leaked to the media, carrying the GeForce GTX 300 series names for the two products expected to come out first: GeForce GTX 380, and GeForce GTX 360. The three slides in public domain as of now cover three specific game benchmarks, where the two graphics cards are pitted against AMD's Radeon HD 5870 and Radeon HD 5970, being part of the company's internal tests.
Tests include Resident Evil 5 (HQ settings, 1920x1200, 8x AA, DX10), STALKER Clear Sky (Extreme quality, No AA, 1920 x 1200, DX10), and Far Cry 2 (Ultra High Quality, 1920x1200, 8x AA, DX10). Other GPUs include GeForce GTX 295 and GTX 285 for reference, just so you know how NVIDIA is pitting the two against the Radeon HD 5000 GPUs, given that the figures are already out. With all the three tests, GTX 380 emerged on top, with GTX 360 performing close to the HD 5970. A point to note, however, is that the tests were run at 1920 x 1200, and tests have shown that the higher-end HD 5000 series GPUs, particularly the HD 5970, is made for resolutions higher than 1920 x 1200. AA was also disabled in STALKER Clear Sky. NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 300 will be out in Q1 2010.
Update (12/15): NVIDIA's Director of Public Relations EMEAI told us that these slides are fake, but also "when it's ready it's going to be awesome".
Tests include Resident Evil 5 (HQ settings, 1920x1200, 8x AA, DX10), STALKER Clear Sky (Extreme quality, No AA, 1920 x 1200, DX10), and Far Cry 2 (Ultra High Quality, 1920x1200, 8x AA, DX10). Other GPUs include GeForce GTX 295 and GTX 285 for reference, just so you know how NVIDIA is pitting the two against the Radeon HD 5000 GPUs, given that the figures are already out. With all the three tests, GTX 380 emerged on top, with GTX 360 performing close to the HD 5970. A point to note, however, is that the tests were run at 1920 x 1200, and tests have shown that the higher-end HD 5000 series GPUs, particularly the HD 5970, is made for resolutions higher than 1920 x 1200. AA was also disabled in STALKER Clear Sky. NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 300 will be out in Q1 2010.
Update (12/15): NVIDIA's Director of Public Relations EMEAI told us that these slides are fake, but also "when it's ready it's going to be awesome".
189 Comments on NVIDIA Pitches GeForce GTX 300 Series to Clinch Performance Crown
Will wait for some 3rd party tests to see what they find.
i would assume they havnt been and are still possibly fake.
they wont be anything like real world imo.
Good on them if they do achieve this performance level, although I don't believe nvidia will.
GTX 360, what's your price???
And... for AMD... it was sweet while it lasted...
But... this is nothing more than the fake empty shell Jen-Hsun Huang pranced around with pretending it was a whole Fermi. Most probably just a desperate try to ruin holiday sales for the red team...
heat output and price are my two biggest issues.
First of all, PR slides released by Nvidia or Ati only show percentages of performance, never do they show fps numbers.
Check the slide below to convince yourselves
Second, this is a real review, from xbitlabs.
This is the slide
Both the review slide and the so called "PR slide" use no AA, DX 10, highest settings etc.
it's pretty obvious the GTX 285/295/Radeon 5870 /5970 scores are made up, they do not perform that well on high-end rigs at those settings.
These slides are good fakes, but fakes nontheless.
It would be great to see Fermi being such a good performer, but we have to be real, these are fakes.
It's been already discussed here quite a bit.
The GTX380 should perform a bit more then double of a GTX285?
512 vs 240 shaders.
And once again, Nvidia always shows percentages of performance in their slides, not actual numbers.
same settings same results...
THG never did a GTX 300 series review. I can make such slides as well, would you believe me?
Still think they are real?
Amd/Ati will reduce the price ridiculously low if they lose on performance to much , Nvidia will start screaming at the little people to reduce costs ( integrators ) , the little people will start making both or defect to the enemy.
Take em down, you all look like suckers.:slap:
Posted by a user named "Succesfull troll"
Come on, obvious fakes, so many people took the bite...:laugh: