Tuesday, April 25th 2006

Intel's new VPro platform

VPro joins Viiv, Intel's media platform and Centrino, its portable platform. Intel wants to sell entire architectures for computers, not just CPUs, and these platforms are its way of doing just that.

VPro consists of a Conroe CPU along with a next generation motherboard chipset. Crucial features include iAMT, Intel's remote management technology, along with sophisticated security and networking tech. Intel's new machines will be manageable from a remote location - even when experiencing a system crash - thanks to virtualization technology, which will keep crucial processes running away from the main user OS.
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2 Comments on Intel's new VPro platform

so basically a non GUI operating system keeping track of your instances behind the GUI operating system that becomes non responsive. Not a bad idea, but does it effect performance at all?
Posted on Reply
Hmmmm, sounds interesting - I'll mention it to our I.T guys at work.
Posted on Reply
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