Wednesday, March 31st 2010

I will be leaving TPU!

After all the drama in the comments section of our Fermi review, I realized that continuing with hardware reviews and this tech "scene" might not be what I want to do with my time in the future.

So I looked for options out of this mess, and found one, TPU will be operated by a different company in the near future, I will be leaving the site. But fear not, most of the staff will remain here, the site and forums will stay the same in the near future (months). However, I have no idea what's going to change in the long run but I'm sure it will be for the best.

Further info and a more detailed schedule will follow when I have a better idea what will happen with my software projects and other internals of the site.

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869 Comments on I will be leaving TPU!

:twitch::twitch::twitch::twitch::twitch::cry::cry::cry::cry::( WHAT? REALLY? JUST BAN those dumb people plzzzz this has broken my hearts and ruined the year
Posted on Reply
Is it already April 1st in Germany? ;)
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To infinity ... and beyond!

Thank you for everything you ever did in this community. I love this forum, and the majority of people in it. I understand what it's like to create something for others and instead of saying thank you for the hard work, time, effort, and posting it on here, editing it, making sure its right. Then people complain it wasn't good enough. It really pisses you off.

either way, this being a "joke" which I don't believe its, I wish you the best of luck in your endevers and your future home, projects, and revies if you do any more.

To the people still bringing crap to this thread, please stop.

Thank you w1zzard for it all
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rumor is that TPU will be an ATI sponsored site from now on
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To infinity ... and beyond!
Paintfacerumor is that TPU will be an ATI sponsored site from now on
rumors are worth as much as you pay for them. Nothing. Not being a dick, but i suggest we don't start rumors.
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Thats why stupid fanboy threads should be locked on sight.
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Don't go man, i hope this is April joke. I really enjoy reviews that u do
Posted on Reply
Will miss you man :( hey all u had to do is redo it with 10.3. and sorry man :'(

is it Nvidia who is going to buy out this wonderful site ??

please let me know. i don't want to be a green ass dumb guy.. i keep my eyes and ears open :)

But you rock m8 :rockout:

Posted on Reply
I don't know what happened in the comments but leaving your hard work because of some internet 'hooligans' is something i can't understand. I am not very active here but i read a lot of your reviews and post in the forums and i think the real community members are those who are here because of you. They like the reviews you made, the community you created and now you are giving up because of some drama? Are you serious? By Leaving the TPU you are leaving yourself to the 'critics' and letting them 'win'...
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btarunrGo through the thread. It was some of the people who demanded new drivers for ATI cards who caused ruckus. At the end those new drivers just added a farty 2% performance jump.
In either case, we should have more respect for the hard work that takes place to get the kind of info provided to us. Its as if the manufactures are like sports team. Some times your teams win, other times not ( i should know, Houston Texans fan). regardless of if "our" teams wins or not, enjoy the game and wait for the next round. These cards, ati & nvidia are so ridiculously powerful today does the extra 3-4fps really matter? Is it worth the fighting and squabbling that takes place here and all over the net? Are the causalities of these skirmishes worth it in the end; its not as if it helps your "team" win the round anyway. To loose W1z, its such a blow to the community, I just hope that the "new team" will preseve much of what has been done.

To w1z, i do wish you the best. As much as i would love the tools you have made to continue to be developed; you gotta do whats best for you. Wish you all the best and success...

(edit): my apologize for my previous post, i was a little hot under the collar and posted hastily.
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OH, I have such a headache
W1zzardAfter all the drama in the comments section of our Fermi review, I realized that continuing with hardware reviews and this tech "scene" might not be what I want to do with my time in the future.

So I looked for options out of this mess, and found one, TPU will be operated by a different company in the near future, I will be leaving the site. But fear not, most of the staff will remain here, the site and forums will stay the same in the near future (months). However, I have no idea what's going to change in the long run but I'm sure it will be for the best.

Further info and a more detailed schedule will follow when I have a better idea what will happen with my software projects and other internals of the site.
WOW I am sorry to see you leave like this . I would like to say do not let what others say get you down and do not give them power over you to stop some thing you love so much . If I did that I would never have the cooling I have now , nor the CPU , nor the home , car , any thing ever ! I would like to ask you to stop take a good look at why you started this and how you felt then , Do not let the power of others destroy what you love .
Whatever you decide know that you will be missed if you do in fact leave . :(
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ArmoredCavalryPlease be an April Fool's joke? :eek:

If not a joke, sad news.. :cry:
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There's no need for you to leave, don't take into account people that just know how to complain and do that all the time and never do something really usefull and constructive. TPU reviews were always my source of information, and a very good one, very complete.
Don't worry if a few people complains, the rest of th users just love your reviews but we usually don't flood it thanking you. :respect:
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what!!!!! TPU is not TPU without W1zzard :mad::cry:
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
Personally I think that review was great ! I was eying this video card and was really liking what I seen . I maybe getting one very soon . Thanks in part to that review .
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and no it is not currently April 1st in Germany. and i really am mad right now
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Can I have your cards :D
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*looks at date* hmm . .
if true i will be sad to see w1zzard go, but after reading thru that thread im not surprised.
pretty good review i thought, anyway all i can say is,
DON'T GO!! . . . use your banhammer more often.
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Bird of Prey
I don't want you to go W1zz as you can see from all the comments here no one else does either. It's just sorry that people get bent without the 10.3 drivers. I would have loved to seen those used, but understand they may not have been out when you did the review. Who cares, Fermi is a good card that isn't what a lot of people expected. I ask that you reconsider, but if you are selling the site, I trust you will pick someone who won't make us all drones. I look forward to coming to this site everyday for everything tech related.
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I refuse to believe this. It must be an early 1st April joke. You guys should make a TPU version for mature enough people...
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I do not know the whole situation but please don't go:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
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OH, I have such a headache
And just one more thing to think about Mr. W1zzard is these are keyboard kids they have nothing better to do but rank on there peoples hard work . I get the same shit from things I do here . Pointing out when they are wrong all the while they piss me off no end . Like my review on the cooler I have , Knocking it when not one of them even has one or seen one . But things like this can piss you off and to all of the ones that did this go back to AMD forums WE DO NOT WANT YOU HERE !
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Sorry to see you leave W1zzard, I've enjoyed your reviews and this community. Good luck in your future endeavors.
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it better be an early april fools joke! If it is note best of luck in the future. The Drama Llama storm that happened was pretty dumb.
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