Tuesday, August 17th 2010

BFG Tech Almost Defunct, Stops Honoring RMAs

Almost defunct enthusiast PC hardware vendor BFG Technologies may have just hit the final nail in its coffin, after it started sending denials to RMA applicants. The company was best known for its NVIDIA GeForce graphics accelerators, and announced its exit from the graphics industry this May. In rather quick succession, it also stopped shipping other products, while announcing that it will honor its warranties and RMAs.

Much to the disgruntlement of its customers, the company is now reportedly returning products sent for RMA with a covering letter saying that it cannot replace the product since a major supplier stopped doing business with it, apologizing for any inconvenience caused...well, apart from the $100s worth paperweights.
Source: HardwareCanucks
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54 Comments on BFG Tech Almost Defunct, Stops Honoring RMAs

I just received this email from BFG...
BFG Technologies, Inc. is winding down and liquidating its business.
Unfortunately our major supplier would not support our business. As a result we
are unable to setup or process any new RMAs for BFG products.
And when I questioned why I couldnt just get a refund instead of a repair/replacement, I got this....
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. Unfortunately,
BFG Support is no longer able to process any RMAs. Complaints in regards to this
new policy can be directed to the BFG Corporate address, listed below.
I'm pretty pissed off, and I'm gonna try take this further.... there must be something that can be done. I've contacted a third party international body that deals with consumer affairs. Just waiting for some information back from them to see what I can do. I'll keep you guys posted. :)
Posted on Reply
Mr McC
roastI'm pretty pissed off, and I'm gonna try take this further.... there must be something that can be done. I've contacted a third party international body that deals with consumer affairs. Just waiting for some information back from them to see what I can do. I'll keep you guys posted. :)
Good luck, but I'm afraid that once a company goes into liquidation, there is little that can be done, the international third-party international body will probably tell you this, but I suppose there's no harm in attempting. Nevertheless, it seems akin to exhuming a corpse to try it for a crime.
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The Doctor is in the house
roastI just received this email from BFG...

And when I questioned why I couldnt just get a refund instead of a repair/replacement, I got this....

I'm pretty pissed off, and I'm gonna try take this further.... there must be something that can be done. I've contacted a third party international body that deals with consumer affairs. Just waiting for some information back from them to see what I can do. I'll keep you guys posted. :)
That is a risk you take buying any product with a warranty. If your extremely lucky another company will take over the RMA's but massively unlikely.
Posted on Reply
DrPepperThat is a risk you take buying any product with a warranty. If your extremely lucky another company will take over the RMA's but massively unlikely.
My thoughts exactly. I'm going to keep hoping though. Its a GTX285, and admittedly, it will still work as long as I keep the fan constant at at least 80%...;)
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