Friday, October 15th 2010

NVIDIA to Counter Radeon HD 6970 ''Cayman'' with GeForce GTX 580

AMD is undertaking its product development cycle at a breakneck pace, NVIDIA trailed it in the DirectX 11 and performance leadership race by months. This November, AMD will release the "Cayman" GPU, its newest high end GPU, the expectations are that it will outperform the NVIDIA GF100, that is a serious cause for concern, for the green team. It's back to its old tactics of talking about GPUs that haven't even taken shape, to try and water down AMD's launch. Enter, the GF110, NVIDIA's new high-end GPU under design, on which is based the GeForce GTX 580.

The new GPU is speculated to have 512 CUDA cores, 128 TMUs, and a 512-bit wide GDDR5 memory interface holding 2 GB of memory, with a TDP of close to that of the GeForce GTX 480. In the immediate future, there are prospects of a more realistic-sounding GF100b, which is basically GF100 with all its 512 CUDA cores enabled, while retaining its 384-bit GDDR5 memory interface, 64 TMUs, and slightly higher TDP than that of the GTX 480.
Sources:, PCGH
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195 Comments on NVIDIA to Counter Radeon HD 6970 ''Cayman'' with GeForce GTX 580

At 1050 core my 5870 is a excellent chip, and kicks ass for the less than $300 I paid for it, unfortunately for Nvidia when ATI releases their next set the price drop of the 5XXX series will widen the performance per dollar gap back out in their favor, and AMD will also have the fastest set of cards consuming less power.

So, AMD / NOM NOM NOM /Nvidia profits......
Posted on Reply
I cant believe Nvidia are actualy doing that, this is so pathetic. its just shows how desperate Nvidia to make a move against the HD6000 series
Posted on Reply
nvidia is full of crap.start making good graphic cards or STFU
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H82LUZ73he must be thinking that the re-branding is for the dual card.When in fact it is single gpu and will be about 15-20% faster then the 480.heck if nvidia does release this 580 that makes me happy ,price drops on the AMD cards.
Yeah just like we all saw happen when NV released the 4 series :rolleyes:. Heh, if that had happened, I'd prolly have bought a Radeon 5 series instead of a GTX460. ATI kept prices high instead and NV gave me the price/performance I wanted which ATI couldn't do.

ATI has the lead now. The need for them to be competitive with NV on prices isn't very high until NV can show them up. NV on the otherhand needs to pricecut. Don't think they'll be retaking the performance title with a rushed board like the 580. Thing is liable to run extremely hot and power hungry.
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Vanguard Beta Tester
God knows I love this VIDEO :roll:
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Unless they do a major rework their counter would be nothing more than refresh. IE: 480 to 485 (even though they may not call it that).
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fullinfusionGod knows I love this VIDEO :roll:
I can't tell you how many times I've watched that video lol.

And to the haters out there. I'm glad nvidia is trying to release something to counter AMD, why? Competition is good. Who cares if their card produces more heat than the sun, if it's out there AMD will need to take note of it and price more aggressively so that's a win in my book :)
Posted on Reply
Crazy 4 TPU!!!
Dj-ElectriCI cant believe Nvidia are actualy doing that, this is so pathetic. its just shows how desperate Nvidia to make a move against the HD6000 series
mtosevnvidia is full of crap.start making good graphic cards or STFU
fullinfusionGod knows I love this VIDEO :roll:
Posted on Reply
bear jesus
fullinfusionGod knows I love this VIDEO :roll:
I almost spat my coffee out over my htpc at the cuda will fix everything line :laugh: had not watched that one before, thanks for the link but damn you at the same time as my htpc is out of the case so you almost made me kill it. :roll: :p
Aww come on you have to be able to laugh at that video even if its not exactly true :p but the one about them not making good cards is a flat out lie as nvidia is making good cards, the 460 is tempting me back to the green side with some sli action and thats really saying something as i'm against multi card setups for my own use.
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Vanguard Beta Tester
EastCoasthandleUnless they do a major rework their counter would be nothing more than refresh. IE: 480 to 485 (even though they may not call it that).
Umm, you mean like this VIDEO :roll:
Posted on Reply
512bit in 2010, with 512sp's when it has 128TMU's when the GTX480 has 480 and 60 already . . . . "cough cough bullshit"

all they're doing is trying to sway people away from buying a 69XX when it comes out with the same bullshit they did with the GTX480 when the 5870 dropped.

rumors can't be trusted we all know that lol
Posted on Reply
bear jesus
KainXSdoing is trying to sway people away from buying a 69XX when it comes out with the same bullshit they did with the GTX480 when the 5870 dropped.
And ATI/AMD has never tryed to steal some of nvidas thunder when they have released a card before them in he past? :p this business as usual as both companys just want our money.
Posted on Reply
well thats how you make money:p
Posted on Reply
Crazy 4 TPU!!!
bear jesusAww come on you have to be able to laugh at that video even if its not exactly true :p but the one about them not making good cards is a flat out lie as nvidia is making good cards, the 460 is tempting me back to the green side with some sli action and thats really saying something as i'm against multi card setups for my own use.
Seen that video, definitely funny and there is no problem picking on manufacturers for their faults a bit. I'm just getting tired of the constant ignorance im seeing. I'm probably gonna have to stop looking at the comments of these threads(mainly Nvidia ones) and just read the news for them. Very discouraging.
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
CDdude55Seen that video, definitely funny and there is no problem picking on manufacturers for their faults a bit. I'm just getting tired of the constant ignorance im seeing. I'm probably gonna have to stop looking at the comments of these threads(mainly Nvidia ones) and just read the news for them. Very discouraging.
Hey CD, Im just having fun atm, But really if the shoe was one the other foot...:cool:

I however hope Nvidia really put a kick ass gpu together to compete with the new gen Amd gpu. But what ever, the thing I love is knowing that both companies are pulling things together and I cant wait to see what the cards will be like and what there going to be like in 3-5 more years. :respect:
Posted on Reply
bear jesus
CDdude55Seen that video, definitely funny and there is no problem picking on manufacturers for their faults a bit. I'm just getting tired of the constant ignorance im seeing. I'm probably gonna have to stop looking at the comments of these threads(mainly Nvidia ones) and just read the news for them. Very discouraging.
I understand, to me this all seams that much more stupid is half the stuff in the nvidia threads is exactly what was being said about ATI back in the days of the ATI 2900 :laugh: it seams most people have a memory that does not last more than a couple years.
fullinfusionI however hope Nvidia really put a kick ass gpu together to compete with the new gen Amd gpu. But what ever, the thing I love is knowing that both companies are pulling things together and I cant wait to see what the cards will be like and what there going to be like in 3-5 more years. :respect:
Right now i'm really interested to see what both companys do with 28nm chips perferably in about a year :D
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Just in time for Home Depots wood screw sale :shadedshu
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Crazy 4 TPU!!!
You have to let the performance do the talking, Nvidia and AMD are just names, they're companies that don't give shit about us other then the green paper that's in our wallets. I'm very surprised to see such energy and negative enthusiasm for something even Nvidia hasn't even acknowledge exists yet. I'm always skeptical and have my doubts, though i never complain or whine about something that's still up in the air, even if it's predecessor was a bit inefficient, to me that means they have a chance to make sure their game is tight this time around and if they claim they can pack in a 512 bit bus with 2GB's of memory and 512sp with all the other goodies, then have at it, cause i want to see it.

You need competition to get innovation, but being counterproductive by posting nonsensical uninformed statements such as ''nvidia is full of crap.start making good graphic cards or STFU'' run rampant, it brings down slowly the high standards i have for a lot of visitors here at TPU and the site in generally.

But maybe that's just me...
Posted on Reply
CDdude55Seen that video, definitely funny and there is no problem picking on manufacturers for their faults a bit. I'm just getting tired of the constant ignorance im seeing. I'm probably gonna have to stop looking at the comments of these threads(mainly Nvidia ones) and just read the news for them. Very discouraging.
This stuff discourages me too. I come here to read about tech and I can't ignore a thread like this, it's too attractive. Unfortunately for me, trolls like these threads too.:wtf:

On topic: Based on Benetanegia's most useful speculation, this card does indeed seem feasible and has a lot of wow factor.

I agree with other posters in questioning the need for such a card right now. Within the current line up of GPU's from both AMD and Nvidia, one does not need to purchase the highest performing unit in order to be able to max out the settings in most games. Increasing the performance even more will just shift the gaming customers into a lower relative market position.

Both Nvidia and AMD had better pray for a new generation 'crysis', otherwise they will be selling gamers $100-$150 low end cards instead of $250 mid range cards. Are they hoping 3D will do this for them? maybe but what else? I cant see the commercial payback for these guys if they get too far in front of the market. Otherwise, sometime between now and years end, a new game will come out that can stop all our current rigs dead in their tracks and have us ordering a new $400 card for kicks.
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I second that entirely CD and BUNDY, and..... JUST PREORDERED THE GTX580 CARD :)
Posted on Reply
erixxI second that entirely CD and BUNDY, and..... JUST PREORDERED THE GTX580 CARD :)
lol now for the Crysis II 3D FTW benchmark thread started by erixx
Posted on Reply
CDdude55You have to let the performance do the talking, Nvidia and AMD are just names, they're companies that don't give shit about us other then the green paper that's in our wallets. I'm very surprised to see such energy and negative enthusiasm for something even Nvidia hasn't even acknowledge exists yet. I'm always skeptical and have my doubts, though i never complain or whine about something that's still up in the air, even if it's predecessor was a bit inefficient, to me that means they have a chance to make sure their game is tight this time around and if they claim they can pack in a 512 bit bus with 2GB's of memory and 512sp with all the other goodies, then have at it, cause i want to see it.

You need competition to get innovation, but being counterproductive by posting nonsensical uninformed statements such as ''nvidia is full of crap.start making good graphic cards or STFU'' run rampant, it brings down slowly the high standards i have for a lot of visitors here at TPU and the site in generally.

But maybe that's just me...
...and if it's not full of people making counterproductive remarks to articles that hold little fact and or is based off of rumors, it's full of people defending a company due to a purchase from that company. Welcome to internet tech forums. Don't feel that you need to defend a corporation, they have the money and resources to do it themselves, be happy with whatever your purchase is from whatever brand you decide to go with. Face it. Fermi was a disaster for Nvidia. Delays, BS press releases, wood screws, etc. They made face, disabled some features/shaders/whatever and brought out a late product that competes with the competition on a performance level but not at a business level. The GTX 460 is a start for Nvidia, but they really need to progress further.
Posted on Reply
buggalugsFor the extra 10-20% you have a blast furnace in your comp and paid an extra $100-$200.

Um at this point only if you're an idiot could you pay more than 100$ more for a 480 than a 5870...cheapest 5870 is still in the 380 range and plenty going into the mid 400's and you can get a 480 now for 440-500 at even the extreme differences is barely over 100...and most of the cards are within 50 bucks or so...
Posted on Reply
Crazy 4 TPU!!!
erocker...and if it's not full of people making counterproductive remarks to articles that hold little fact and or is based off of rumors, it's full of people defending a company due to a purchase from that company. Welcome to internet tech forums. Don't feel that you need to defend a corporation, they have the money and resources to do it themselves, be happy with whatever your purchase is from whatever brand you decide to go with.
Not defending anyone, as i said, they're just names to me that have little to no importance to the products that get put out and i think that's what people are forgetting. I agree, if you prefer a brand, have at it, it's your money. If you do have a preference, and can articulate as to why you have that preference in a thread like this, go for it.
erockerLet's face it. Fermi was a disaster for Nvidia. Delays, BS press releases, wood screws, etc. They made face, disabled some features/shaders/whatever and brought out a late product that competes with the competition on a performance level but not at a business level. The GTX 460 is a start for Nvidia, but they really need to progress further.
Meh, shit happens, you have to hope they learned from their mistakes and will make it better to the end user the next round.
Posted on Reply
My name is Dave
CDdude55Meh, shit happens, you have to hope they learned from their mistakes and will make it better to the end user the next round.
Considering that J.H. Huang admitted that mismanagement of the Fermi development process was truly the problem that lead to all the issues pre-release, this is truly a crucial point of time for nV right now, from an investor perspective. Huang screwed up, admitting that, and investors will be paying very close attention to nV's actual business success this time, rather than product performance.

Really, while people like us are the common end user of nv's products, Fermi was a very poor showing of business, and any issues must be fixed, controlled, and turned around in a very efficient manner, or investors, who truly motivate nV as a company, will be pulling out even more than they have the past 18 months.

"Shit happens" isn't gonna fly this time. Huang said basically the same tihng, so that excuse has dried up at the well, and they filled in the hole, too.

OMG the commas kill me.

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