Tuesday, June 21st 2011

Intel Core i7-980 Hits Stores on June 26

Intel's newest socket LGA1366 processor, the Core i7-980, will reach stores by June 26. The i7-980 (BX80613I7980), is a non-XE variant of Core i7-980X Extreme Edition, it has its BClk multiplier locked at 25.0x. The six-core chip features a nominal clock speed of 3.33 GHz, which can jump to 3.60 GHz with Turbo Boost technology. Unlike with the Extreme edition, the i7-980 uses 4.8 GT/s QPI speed. With HyperThreading technology enabled, the chip provides the operating system with 12 logical CPUs to deal with. The chip features 256 KB of dedicated L2 cache per core, and a shared 12 MB L3 cache. It holds a massive triple-channel DDR3 memory controller. The Core i7-980 is expected to be priced at US $583, displacing the Core i7-970 from that price-point.
Source: VR-Zone
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12 Comments on Intel Core i7-980 Hits Stores on June 26

Wow, looks like the first Intel 350$ Hexa-Core.

Too bad S2011 is coming out in a few months.
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TrackrWow, looks like the first Intel 350$ Hexa-Core.

Too bad S2011 is coming out in a few months.
Maybe they selling out the last pieces of 1366 in the next months :)
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csendesmarkMaybe they selling out the last pieces of 1366 in the next months :)
Probably trying to finish off 1366 to ready the market for LGA2011. I'm interested to see how this performs though.
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TheMailMan78583? Ouch!
While it's not entry level, it will help bring down the entire 1366 line up(especially the 970 and up).

It's actually a smart move to place a 'new' higher end chip to help reduce the cost of the 'enthusiast' level chips.
Posted on Reply
Better Than Native
clocking these babies up to 200 bclk still gives a hec of a lot of room to OC, espeically on air. intel knows this platform is still one hell of a performer, and while trying to get rid of chips fast, they can still keep the prices high from the sheer performance offered.
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If this drives down the price of Nehalem chips enough, I may not bother with SandyBridge.
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News Editor
give me 1 reason to invest 600$ in a dead platform when Sandy Bridge E is coming up!
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I know, Intel screwed up waiting so long to drop the price of 6 core cpus. Most of us would rather wait for sandy bridge E now. If they dropped the price 6 months ago i would have bought one.
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i just don't get the fact that the X (as in 980x) is actually worth 1000$ - 583$ = 417$
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I've been watching eBay to try and get a 970 since even the new ones have always been cheaper then going to Newegg, TD, MC, etc. eBay prices have also always lead when price drops are coming (for the 970 at least). Recently you can now get them close to $400 buy it now price which makes me believe that the 970 will drop in price thanks to this 980 showing up.

Time to save up some money to get me a 970.
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TrackrWow, looks like the first Intel 350$ Hexa-Core.

Too bad S2011 is coming out in a few months.
I wants me 8 core NOA!
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