Wednesday, October 12th 2011

Review Consensus: AMD FX Processor 8150 Underwhelming

It's been in the works for over three years now. That's right, the first we heard of "Bulldozer" as a processor architecture under development was shortly after the launch of "Barcelona" K10 architecture. Granted, it wasn't possible to load close to 2 billion transistors on the silicon fab technology AMD had at the time, but AMD had a clear window over the last year to at least paper-launch the AMD FX. Delays and bad marketing may have cost AMD dearly in shaping up the product for the market.

After drawing a consensus from about 25 reviews (links in Today's Reviews on the front page), it emerges that:
  • AMD FX-8150 is missing its performance expectations by a fair margin. Not to mention performance gains in its own presentation, these expectations were built up by how AMD was shaping the product to be a full-fledged enthusiast product with significant performance gains over the previous generation
  • AMD ill-marketed the FX-8150. Hype is a double-edged sword, and should not be used if you're not confident your offering will live up to at least most of the hype. AMD marketed at least the top-tier FX-8000 series eight-core processors as the second coming of Athlon64 FX.
  • FX-8150 launch isn't backed up by launch of other AMD FX processors. This could go on to become a blunder. The presence of other FX series processors such as the FX-8120, six-core and four-core FX processors could have at least made the price performance charts look better, given that all FX processors are unlocked, buyers could see the value in buying them to overclock. TweakTown took a closer look into this.
  • There are no significant clock-for-clock improvements over even AMD's own previous generation. The FX-8150 drags its feet behind the Phenom II X6 1100T in single-threaded math benchmarks such as Super/HyperPi, the picture isn't any better with Cinebench single-threaded, either.
  • Multi-threaded data streaming applications such as data compression (WINRAR, 7-ZIP) reveal the FX-8150 to catch up with competition from even the Core i7-2600K. This trend keeps up with popular video encoding benchmarks such as Handbrake and x264 HD.
  • Load power draw is bad, by today's standards. It's not like AMD is lagging behind in silicon fabrication technologies, or the engineering potential that turned around AMD Radeon power consumption figures over generations.
  • Price could be a major saving grace. In the end, AMD FX 8150 has an acceptable price-performance figure. At just $25 over the Core i5-2500K, the FX-8150 offers a good performance lead.
  • Impressive overclocking potential. We weren't exactly in awe when AMD announced its Guinness Record-breaking overclocking feat, but reviewers across the board have noticed fairly good overclocking potential and performance scaling.
In all, AMD FX-8150 has almost become another example to cite at a marketing class, of how to effectively handle hype. It is sure to underwhelm some. If it's any compensation, Duke Nukem Forever is still the most underwhelming development this year for the gamer-overclocker community.
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450 Comments on Review Consensus: AMD FX Processor 8150 Underwhelming

Just reading:

The features and benefit's are the first thing I see that shows something shady.

Overclock for a big boost......
Get an extra burst of raw speed...... Turbo Core.....
Push your performance with tuning controls.....
Enjoy stable, smoother performance...... (No shit it should be stable and smooth.)

If they practically recommend you to do this, that's the first sign they new what they were doing and they new the performance was going to be Shitty.

Be Epic. Be Brutal. ........
Some kid watching T.V. Ninja Titan's could have thought up that one.
*face palm*

And if it really uses 500+ watts at 4.6Ghz, they can get right the fuck out of here. I don't want to say it like that, but COME on.
Posted on Reply
~Technological Technocrat~
suraswamiwe can setup a virtual one for you powered by FX processors, it will be so slow and unreal you will already giveup, retire and join the Monks/Saints over there.
Or he can cross the border into Pakistan and set up a huge base with 100 computers for LAN games and 400 sheep on treadmills to provide electicity and air conditioning 5miles away from a goverment building or army camp and no one would ever know he was there.

Not even the Pakistani goverment

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Editor & Senior Moderator
W1zzardbut mr. witness protection ... i want sun, beach and bikinis :(
Knowing you, beach destinations are the first places they'll swoop.
Posted on Reply
Dent1Hardware Heaven shows Bulldozer in a positive light. They give it 9/10 overall.

In particular it shows Bulldozer beating the i7 2600k in games. How can this be?

Deus EX

F1 2011

Shogun Total War 2
wow 3 whole games. .. .
Posted on Reply
My name is Dave
[H]@RD5TUFFwow 3 whole games. .. .
I couldn't think of 3 better games...

I gotta say, in the console market, over the past MANY YEARS, developer's have been able to incrementally increase performance by code optimization.

It's pretty obvious by the encoding benchmarks that there's really alot of math power in Bulldozer. You could potentially say it's just under-utilized. It's not like it's really all that bad. It's just a little too ahead of it's time is all. Can I guarantee developer's will take advantage of that math power? Nope.

And those three games are ones that kind of show that very well. And that's why I say that a lot of the reviews seem biased, because not one seems to look to highlight where Bulldozer is a success, and most seem focused on disappointment.
Posted on Reply
Big Member
cadavecaAnd that's why I say that a lot of the reviews seem biased, because not one seems to look to highlight where Bulldozer is a success, and most seem focused on disappointment.
Much like my parents.
Posted on Reply
cadavecaI couldn't think of 3 better games...

I gotta say, in the console market, over the past MANY YEARS, developer's have been able to incrementally increase performance by code optimization.

It's pretty obvious by the encoding benchmarks that there's really alot of math power in Bulldozer. You could potentially say it's just under-utilized. It's not like it's really all that bad. It's just a little too ahead of it's time is all. Can I guarantee developer's will take advantage of that math power? Nope.

And those three games are ones that kind of show that very well. And that's why I say that a lot of the reviews seem biased, because not one seems to look to highlight where Bulldozer is a success, and most seem focused on disappointment.
So the reviews are biased because they aren't looking for the 1 or 2 "positive things", versus the hundreds of disappointing things AMD did with this chip.

SORRY BUT NO! :shadedshu

A real performance chip would have beaten intel in more tests not 3 games . .. :mad: hence it's fail!
Posted on Reply
cadavecaI couldn't think of 3 better games...

I gotta say, in the console market, over the past MANY YEARS, developer's have been able to incrementally increase performance by code optimization.

It's pretty obvious by the encoding benchmarks that there's really alot of math power in Bulldozer. You could potentially say it's just under-utilized. It's not like it's really all that bad. It's just a little too ahead of it's time is all. Can I guarantee developer's will take advantage of that math power? Nope.

And those three games are ones that kind of show that very well. And that's why I say that a lot of the reviews seem biased, because not one seems to look to highlight where Bulldozer is a success, and most seem focused on disappointment.
The thing is though, they hyped it way to much already, its already getting announced. They def see every single review on the net, yet most of them are negative.

There AMD, and that is no joke, they should have known about the performance numbers, THERE is no way the could not have known!!!! They tested, they marketed way to extremely and even had some overclocking Guinness record, and by then they new there performance numbers. There is no way this came out of the blue, its impossible with that infrastructure. Impossible.

There is not an excuse that matter's when it come's to the overall number's everybody is seeing. Not optimized is so much bullshit its beyond untrue, they practically guarantied an ENTHUSIAST PRODUCT, they even market it with a HD 6990!!!!!

No ethical way I can see for this seriously being a mistake, or some weird ass optimization problem, AMD knew all along, and they might keep it that way anyways.
There is no excuse for it to be under optimized, AMD knew simple as that. It's there main market and has been sense the 1970's.

So what make's anybody think that its just under optimized yet, they have been pumping out processor's on every window's platforms for a while. There is just no excuse....
Posted on Reply
Big Member
[H]@RD5TUFFwow 3 whole games. .. .
Yeah three of the most heavily multi-threaded games on the market. BD has a shine you guys fail to grasp.
Posted on Reply
My name is Dave
3volvedcombatThe thing is though, they hyped it way to much already, its already getting announced. They def see every single review on the net, yet most of them are negative.

There AMD, and that is no joke, they should have known about the performance numbers, THERE is no way the could not have known!!!! They tested, they marketed way to extremely and even had some overclocking Guinness record, and by then they new there performance numbers. There is no way this came out of the blue, its impossible with that infrastructure. Impossible.

There is not an excuse that matter's when it come's to the overall number's everybody is seeing. Not optimized is so much bullshit its beyond untrue, they practically guarantied an ENTHUSIAST PRODUCT, they even market it with a HD 6990!!!!!

No ethical way I can see for this seriously being a mistake, or some weird ass optimization problem, AMD knew all along, and they might keep it that way anyways.
There is no excuse for it to be under optimized, AMD knew simple as that. It's there main market and has been sense the 1970's.

So what make's anybody think that its just under optimized yet, they have been pumping out processor's on every window's platforms for a while. There is just no excuse....
I cannot excuse some of the marketing. I've been complaining about it for a long time now. There are a lot of good ideas there, they are all just poorly executed.

There's a reason companies do not comment about unreleased products, and yes, AMD very much broke that this time. But, officially, they did an effective job of marketing from the business perspective, because literally every aspect of Bulldozer is something I personally expected. The power consumption, clocking, and performance, are all exactly where expected.

The marketing to the enthusiast failed. The Guinness thing should not have been mentioned except at launch. The FX moniker should have been explained, yet, if look back through Bulldozer posts..I knew what FX meant, but many many others didn't.

I do not understand, why, when adding two cores, and 6 cores weren't used to begin with, that peopel thought that magically there would be more performance. When the cores are used effectively, the 8150 does pull ahead considerably.

The fact these chips use such a high voltage while in max turbo mode, yet live on, no problem, is pretty incredible. The fact they can push 300++ watts through that small of a process is quite amazing, and is part of the reason that things like 8 GHz clocks are possible.

To be completely honest, I don't really see Bulldozer as a failure at all, and frankly, anyone claiming it is, really, is still buying into the hype, because literally everyone is buying into these reviews, and the negative outlook. Clearly there are issues when they are using ES samples for reviews. Why are there so few retail samples?

Nobody gets it. And I'm not about to explain things when it's so bloody obvious.

Oh well, not my problem. ;)
Posted on Reply
Big Member
cadavecaI cannot excuse some of the marketing. I've been complaining about it for a long time now. There are a lot of good ideas there, they are all just poorly executed.

There's a reason companies do not comment about unreleased products, and yes, AMD very much broke that this time. But, officially, they did an effective job of marketing from the business perspective, because literally every aspect of Bulldozer is something I personally expected. The power consumption, clocking, and performance, are all exactly where expected.

The marketing to the enthusiast failed. The Guinness thing should not have been mentioned except at launch. The FX moniker should have been explained, yet, if look back through Bulldozer posts..I knew what FX meant, but many many others didn't.

I do not understand, why, when adding two cores, and 6 cores weren't used to begin with, that peopel thought that magically there would be more performance. When the cores are used effectively, the 8150 does pull ahead considerably.

The fact these chips use such a high voltage while in max turbo mode, yet live on, no problem, is pretty incredible. The fact they can push 300++ watts through that small of a process is quite amazing, and is part of the reason that things like 8 GHz clocks are possible.

To be completely honest, I don't really see Bulldozer as a failure at all, and frankly, anyone claiming it is, really, is still buying into the hype, because literally everyone is buying into these reviews, and the negative outlook. Clearly there are issues when they are using ES samples for reviews. Why are there so few retail samples?

Nobody gets it. And I'm not about to explain things when it's so bloody obvious.

Oh well, not my problem. ;)
Posted on Reply
I knew it was going to be a fail. I was just waiting for the offical announcement.
Posted on Reply
Crazy 4 TPU!!!
Going to wait a while to grab an AM3+ chip to put my 990FX board to work i guess, till then i got this to play with :D:

Free next delivery ftw!:rockout:
Posted on Reply
I'd like to see more reviews it with all FX cpus included (not 8150 only).
Where is the TPU review of AMD FX Cpu?
Is w1zz still cooking it?
I'm hungry, lol.-
Posted on Reply
Arguably Bulldozer is the better overall CPU. Granted single threaded performance is poor and makes it perhaps a sceptical choice without a price drop. However in multithreaded applications the Bulldozer often pulls ahead of the i7 Bloomfield and i5 2500K and keeps up with the i7 2600K with ease.

I guess AMD are guilty of releasing the CPU too early. Perhaps if they waited a year or two, say early 2013 to mid 2014 software developers would have moved along with the times to multithreaded coding and results would sway towards AMD's new architecture.

In a away I sort of blame software developers too for holding back current hardware by dragging their feet with multithreaded coding.


by cadavecaClearly there are issues when they are using ES samples for reviews. Why are there so few retail samples
Was Engineering samples really used on the reviews. Isnt that unfair and bias?
Posted on Reply
CDdude55Going to wait a while to grab an AM3+ chip to put my 990FX board to work i guess, till then i got this to play with :D:

Free next delivery ftw!:rockout:
Performance increase over 470 is not that huge. However, it's a great card. Enjoy it.

If I had an AM3+ board, I would probably buy the 8150 just to test it myself. Have fun though!
Posted on Reply
Big Member
LordJummyPerformance increase over 470 is not that huge. However, it's a great card. Enjoy it.

If I had an AM3+ board, I would probably buy the 8150 just to test it myself. Have fun though!
BF3 will prove that statement wrong. That extra VRAM makes a difference in DX11.
Posted on Reply
My name is Dave
Dent1Was Engineering samples really used on the reviews. Isnt that unfair and bias?
I would not say unfair and bias, but...

Are you really gonna beleive a company that makes millions of chips couldn't find 50 single retail samples to hand out to reviewers when they said ES chips and retail are different?

And that is all.

Official reviews are equpped with a Crosshair 5 motherboards, a retail chip in the tin, a belt buckle, and a watercooler. If there are not pictures of all of these things, then the review should be ignored.

If the watercooler is NOT used, then the review is invalid, IMHO. If the review uses an ES chip, it is INVALID. I could add several more criteria here, but those two are enough.
Posted on Reply
Crazy 4 TPU!!!
LordJummyPerformance increase over 470 is not that huge. However, it's a great card. Enjoy it.

If I had an AM3+ board, I would probably buy the 8150 just to test it myself. Have fun though!
It fights with the GTX 570s performance plus as mentioned the extra VRAM was a plus. Granted im running at 1080p, but it's never bad to have more of everything, you never know when you'll start running into games that will eat it all up.

I was thinking about getting a 8 core BD chip but it just wasn't worth the cost considering my overclocked X6 1055T pretty much in the same arena as it for now.

I'm also expecting the 6970's power consumption and heat output will be better then my current 470, Fermi runs hot as everybody has come to expect.
Posted on Reply
cadavecaAre you really gonna beleive a company that makes millions of chips couldn't find 50 single retail samples to hand out to reviewers when they said ES chips and retail are different?
How can we be sure ES were used in reviews. I read through most of the literature from Tomhshardware, Techspot, Hardware Heaven etc and none of the journalists mention only having Engineering samples available.

Granted some of the literal was extremely long, maybe my eyes missed the parts where they mentioned having ES only.
Posted on Reply
CDdude55It fights with the GTX 570s performance plus as mentioned the extra VRAM was a plus. Granted im running at 1080p, but it's never bad to have more of everything, you never know when you'll start running into games that will eat it all up.

I was thinking about getting a 8 core BD chip but it just wasn't worth the cost considering my overclocked X6 1055T pretty much in the same arena as it for now.

I'm also expecting the 6970's power consumption and heat output will be better then my current 470, Fermi runs hot as everybody has come to expect.
Yeah, I used to run a GTX 470 last year for a month or two. It was a good card. The only reason I started buying 6950's was boredom really. I started reading about the unlocking and wanted eyefinity, etc so I went for it.

The 470 was a great card though. The heat and power was exaggerated a bit by some people, although it is a bit on the warm side. The 6950/6970 reference gets warm too on occasion, and is equally loud. It will outperform the 470 for sure though.

The 6970 is a great card. I'm running two myself, in eyefinity config with a 4th monitor for reading documents when I need it. Best setup evar.
TheMailMan78BF3 will prove that statement wrong. That extra VRAM makes a difference in DX11.
You, once again misunderstand where I'm coming from. I've owned a gtx 470, and I run two 6970's now. I think I know very well the difference between the two.

I wasn't speaking of VRAM differences. Of course the extra RAM will make a difference in future titles that use over 1GB. "Duh".

(Typical mail man knee jerk reaction)
Posted on Reply
qu4k3rWhere is the TPU review of AMD FX Cpu?
according to amd they were supposed to have sent a cpu yesterday, no tracking number for the package yet. dont expect a tpu review soon
Posted on Reply
My name is Dave
Dent1How can we be sure ES were used in reviews. I read through most of the literature from Tomhshardware, Techspot, Hardware Heaven etc and none of the journalists mention only having Engineering samples available.

Granted some of the literal was extremely long, maybe my eyes missed the parts where they mentioned having ES only.
Look at CPU-Z screenshots for "8130P" as the CPU name. Pretty easy.

If there is no CPU-Z, look for them using the provided watercooler, and for them using the ASUS Crosshair V motherboard. NO Crosshair 5 is an immediate disqualification, in my books, unless they somehow confirm that they have a retail chip.
Posted on Reply
cadavecaLook at CPU-Z screenshots for "8130P" as the CPU name. Pretty easy.

If there is no CPU-Z, look for them using the provided watercooler, and for them using the ASUS Crosshair V motherboard. NO Crosshair 5 is an immediate disqualification, in my books, unless they somehow confirm that they have a retail chip.
W1zzardaccording to amd they were supposed to have sent a cpu yesterday, no tracking number for the package yet. dont expect a tpu review soon
Could it be AMD messed up with the FedEX and none of the reviewers got retail CPUs.

Instead the reviewers used their own initiative and used an engineering sample.
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