Wednesday, January 4th 2012

Apple Loses Bid To Keep Pirated Software Secrets Under Court Seal

When Apple sued Psystar (and eventually won), it had to reveal certain confidential software secrets to the court, which were then kept under court seal. However, those secrets then surfaced - effectively 'pirated' - on a website and made public. Despite this, Apple wants those secrets to remain under court seal as it hasn't officially disclosed them, claiming that they still deserve trade secret protection. However, U.S. Federal District Judge William Alsup disagreed and has denied Apple's bid, saying "Apple cannot have this court seal information merely to avoid confirmation that the publicly available sources got it right." Those trade secrets contained "information about its Mac OS X operating system and computer products, including Apple's technological protection measure, system integrity checks and thermal management techniques, according to court documents." reported Bloomberg.

One might reasonably ask, why bother to keep this under court seal when the information is already out in the open? Well, Apple does have a point here: there is nothing like getting information directly from the source, in this case Apple, as the third party information may well have errors or omissions in it that won't be present from the original source, which only works in Apple's favour. Besides, it's a bit galling for Apple to have to confirm someone's leak, isn't it?
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10 Comments on Apple Loses Bid To Keep Pirated Software Secrets Under Court Seal

Guess this is why Psystar lost with a smile on their face.
Posted on Reply
NC37Guess this is why Psystar lost with a smile on their face.
Indeed, sounds like Psystar lost but at the same time partially won, even a small victory.
Posted on Reply
Better or easier virus can be made for Mac now?
Posted on Reply
mac viruses are no more difficult than pc or linux, it's just that fewer people use mac or linux, and most people use windows. for the same reason more software, games, accessories are available for windows pcs. people are less willing to code a virus that only 10% of users will get.
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Overclocked quantum bit
As you know, I'm pretty anti-Apple due to their business practices, but on this point I have to agree with them. Just because someone has leaked your confidential info doesn't mean that you should feel compelled to advertise it yourself, does it? Also, Apple won their case, so for that alone there's no reason to disclose confidential info, leaks or not.
Posted on Reply
Super XP
qubitAs you know, I'm pretty anti-Apple due to their business practices, but on this point I have to agree with them.
I fully agree, I am also anti-Apple, but I still don't agree with this on this point, because they've hurt many in the industry for many years. JMOH
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How's feel to be on the losing side apple?;)
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Block Caption of Rainey Street
Is apple losing control of its cult...?
Posted on Reply
Overclocked quantum bit
Delta6326How's feel to be on the losing side apple?;)
Yes, it does feel like poetic justice, doesn't it?
v12dockIs apple losing control of its cult...?
I think so. The whole edifice was built on Jobs's charisma. I think they're starting to slip already. Time will tell.
Posted on Reply
Mar 6th, 2025 21:20 EST change timezone

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