Tuesday, January 24th 2012

Hackers Banning Innocent Battlefield 3 Players
If online gaming wasn't hard enough a game-hacking site called Artificial Aiming has some members that are now targeting innocent players for Punkbuster bans in Battlefield 3. They were able to do this by corrupting a streaming Punkbuster ban list shared by certain server admins. A junior member from the Artificial Aiming forums that took the lead on this attack is focusing on servers that use GGC-Stream. He is are quoted as saying,
"We have selected ggc-stream as the target since they have the most streaming bf3 servers and makes it very easy to add fake bans. In 2011 we hit them with a mass ban wave and now were are banning real players from battlelog while ggc-stream is totally unaware. We have framed 150+ bf3 players alone"
Not to be outclassed by a junior member of a hacking site, Tony Ray founder of Even Balance, the company behind Punkbuster has made the following statement:
"This was an attack against a 3rd party admin group that uses PunkBuster to share ban information. The group of hackers/cheaters associated with the attack likes to trump up anything they can to claim some kind of victory to avert attention from the fact that we are catching their paid subscribers and banning them while they are claiming their hacks are undetectable. The 3rd party admin group should be able to easily remove the corrupted streaming from their system if they haven't already."
"It is always unfortunate when innocent players have their gameplay interrupted but it should be sorted out soon. In the mean time, there are plenty of game servers unaffected by this attack. Some players may need to branch out and try servers they don't normally play on for a while."
Artificial Aiming has also said they were not responsible for the attack but, they do support it for the "lulz".

"We have selected ggc-stream as the target since they have the most streaming bf3 servers and makes it very easy to add fake bans. In 2011 we hit them with a mass ban wave and now were are banning real players from battlelog while ggc-stream is totally unaware. We have framed 150+ bf3 players alone"
Not to be outclassed by a junior member of a hacking site, Tony Ray founder of Even Balance, the company behind Punkbuster has made the following statement:
"This was an attack against a 3rd party admin group that uses PunkBuster to share ban information. The group of hackers/cheaters associated with the attack likes to trump up anything they can to claim some kind of victory to avert attention from the fact that we are catching their paid subscribers and banning them while they are claiming their hacks are undetectable. The 3rd party admin group should be able to easily remove the corrupted streaming from their system if they haven't already."
"It is always unfortunate when innocent players have their gameplay interrupted but it should be sorted out soon. In the mean time, there are plenty of game servers unaffected by this attack. Some players may need to branch out and try servers they don't normally play on for a while."
Artificial Aiming has also said they were not responsible for the attack but, they do support it for the "lulz".

34 Comments on Hackers Banning Innocent Battlefield 3 Players
I can't understand how some people's live's are so unfullfilling that they have to resort to these type's of action's as a form of entertainment :shadedshu
Edit: I'm sure there is some law they are breaking by infringing on the rite's of the software provider and the consumer/end user
EDIT: good article, you really need to get around to posting more news. :toast:
targeting large corps or corrupt entities is one thing...
targeting your fellow player and gamers... innocent ones?
seriously? how f'n childish and pathetic IS your life!?!?!
that is sooo lame it warrants a good nutkick :nutkick:
People that exploit in this game I take pleasure in ramming with the MAV.
As long as the individual does not come to realization with itself and based on that act in a responsible, honest and fair manner, indeed, so long will our self-destructive life on this planet to continue.
Just playing single player/co-op.
Write that down!:pimp:
A.A have their own website that sells hacks, they also have their own BF3 platoon full of people who use hacks, and they even have their own youtube account to upload videos of their hacks once theyve finished hacking. these guys were running hacks since the Closed beta. I dunno what EA are doing but clearly they aint doing enough to stop these motherfuckers from ruining the game or any other game for that matter.
EA/DICE have probably already banned them a few times. but with the amount of premium users signed up to their website who pay for the hacks, they probably got a bucket load of cd keys ro replace the one that gets banned.
EA need to take a step further and block their IP completely or at least getting a warrant and having them shutdown.
The only reason I posted this as news is so people don't go to a server that uses PB for a while until they can get it patched up. I didn't want any of our members to get banned for being 1337 and Artificial Aiming types to get all emo and ban em.
Yesterday, i got kicked many times from different servers for punkbuster errors.Today i see this "you're being looked into" at the top of my battle log home page.
What the F is wrong with those people? Why to harm people for no reason?