Thursday, March 29th 2012

Radeon HD 7970 Price Cuts Not Any Time Soon: Report

A lot of prospective buyers of new generation GPUs were counting on the US $499 launch price of NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 to result in reactionary price-cuts in the red camp, particularly with the $549 Radeon HD 7970. NVIDIA's GPU is faster, more efficient, and under normal circumstances, should leave AMD with no other option, but to cut prices of HD 7970 to stay competitive. However, that hasn't happened, and according to a HardwareCanucks report, will not happen any time soon.

NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 680 launch wasn't just on paper, there was market-availability on launch-day, although like every other new GPU launch, stocks have been quite limited. Before this launch, AMD and its partners managed to replenish inventories of Radeon HD 7970, making it generally available, while not budging from its ~$549 price. Sources told HardwareCanucks and this situation won't change unless NVIDIA has a more full-fledged lineup of new-generation GPUs against AMD's, or unless the availability of GeForce GTX 680 drastically improves.

AMD can't cut prices of HD 7970 without disturbing prices of its other HD 7000 SKUs, namely HD 7950, HD 7870, and HD 7850. The company is able to command relatively high prices for these SKUs, because they offer relatively high performance in their market segments. Until NVIDIA has new products to compete with these three SKUs, it makes sense for AMD to overlook, and even sacrifice the competitiveness of one SKU, the HD 7970. Besides, with AMD AIB partners out with a bouquet of non-reference design products based on the HD 7970 without charging too high premiums, AMD has a chance of attracting buyers awaiting availability of GTX 680 away from it.
Source: HardwareCanucks
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114 Comments on Radeon HD 7970 Price Cuts Not Any Time Soon: Report

Vanguard Beta Tester
Till the price drops down to $350ish Im sitting with what I got... Oh hey why the hell would I upgrade to such an fugugly gpu. I liked when ATI had the top of the card covered and just the core exposed, and dont say its due to cooling :slap:

Nvidia will drop there price even more in the weeks to come and watch amd FAIL again :eek:
Posted on Reply
symmetricalBrand loyalists are the only one who will pay "More" for "Less." And yes I'm talking about you ATI fanboys.

The GTX 680 is equal or better than a 7970, costs $50 less, introduces new features like dynamic clock speeds, has lower power consumption, has lower power requirements, also NOW supports 3 monitor gaming with one card, 3D vision (with actual driver support unlike AMD HD3D), PhysX, overclocks easily, and more than likely will only get better with driver updates.

And before you point to me as some Nvidia fanboy, I have an MSi 6850 OC, and Two Sapphire 6950s as well as my GTX 580.

AMD for the sake of the consumer, drop that sucker to $499 or lower to level the playing field.
You shouldn't stop talking about ATI fanboys, as nVidia fanboys do aswell, no? Or nVidia Fanboys are just better? :laugh: I'm kinda sick of thoses comments about fanboys... If they wants to be fanboys, it's their rights... We could do the same for any products, you know...

They will drop the price until the GK104 will be available, as they can't supply for everybody!
Posted on Reply
the only problem that nvidia has right now is the stockpile, so from the marketing point of view what AMD do right now for not cutting the price 7970 is a right decision..

28nm wafers availability for Nvidia is on scarce, it means they cant meet the numbers of availability that consumers demand. so the consumers who dont have any choice if they want to buy the fastest card which available on the market they have to go for 7970 (if they were smart enough to understand price-performance wise they can bought 78xx and overclock it),

looking at the rest of GTX6xx family which release date is still uncertain and limited availability of GTX680 on the market, AMD will still be happy with their current price tags. i knew you were dissapointed by 7970 ridiculous price, but that's how marketing's work. they would take any kind of way to take a profit as long as there's still a chance to do it..
Posted on Reply
BenetanegiaWell the 7970 does have 384 bit, but that does not justify a $150 jump. Neither does the die size or yields, if according to AMD, they have good yields, or so they said to their investors. The price cannot be justified in any form other than "we asked this much because we could". Well now, they can't and should lower the price.

I was talking in general anyway. 4870>5870>6970 were very similar and the price increased by $50-100. 6870 to 7870 are very similar and price increased by $100. 2 Gb GDDR5 does not cost much more than 1 Gb GDDR5, as in 2x as much, it does not cost double, not eveb close, and it does not cost more than 1 Gb GDDR5 several months/years ago. 8 chips vs 12 chips does increase price more but not by $50 or anything close to that.

So their prices can't be justified now, neither really is GTX680's price, except for the fact that it's the fastest card and is actually priced lower than the competing card, so it's more justified.
So much TRUTH there.
Posted on Reply
Jonap_1stthe only problem that nvidia has right now is the stockpile, so from the marketing point of view what AMD do right now for not cutting the price 7970 is a right decision..

28nm wafers availability for Nvidia is on scarce, it means they cant meet the numbers of availability that consumers demand. so the consumers who dont have any choice if they want to buy the fastest card which available on the market they have to go for 7970 (if they were smart enough to understand price-performance wise they can bought 78xx and overclock it),

looking at the rest of GTX6xx family which release date is still uncertain and limited availability of GTX680 on the market, AMD will still be happy with their current price tags. i knew you were dissapointed by 7970 ridiculous price, but that's how marketing's work. they would take any kind of way to take a profit as long as there's still a chance to do it..
but another way to think, if they have plenty of stock by Mai, they should reduce the price before, as maybe people will buy their hardware instead of waiting for the competitor..

it all depens on how long it will take to nVidia to have plenty GTX 680 ready to be sold..
Posted on Reply
Dent1Casecutter, I'm just looking at TPU's review
Sorry not what I meant. I "thanked you" and was agreeing that the more times the Nvidia folks hear stuff like beats up on, owns, wiped the floor, they go into a trance like state of belief.

Me I'd rather C-F 7850 and OC them which beat some Vaporcard that can't be purchased, and when it finally can it will be at least $530.
Posted on Reply


They knew supply would be short so they should/could have prepared themselves. How? Hmm... what about ensuring sufficient production of one chip instead of flooding the market with a whole overpriced lineup, all of which will be extremely short in supply? They knew what supply would be so they did it on purpose to keep supply short and then even mocked on us by releasing the press release about them releasing 3 chips in 3 months. And I hear Nvidia will do the same in 2-3 months too. Bravo. We should be proud of both of them for forcing us to suffer these shameful prices.
Posted on Reply
ChristTheGreatbut another way to think, if they have plenty of stock by Mai, they should reduce the price before, as maybe people will buy their hardware instead of waiting for the competitor..

it all depens on how long it will take to nVidia to have plenty GTX 680 ready to be sold..
that's why i said what AMD did is all about marketing, i'm sure it's no problem for AMD to cut 7970 price to $400 and recalculate the price for the rest of lineup if in the next few months GTX680 supplies would return normal or even the release of the next line up. but now, they just wait and see, and probably didnt care about what we said here..
Posted on Reply

same excuse the HDD companies gave... Seagate's stock when up 170%, yes it more than doubled, it practically TRIPLE (probably will). It's the highest it's been for over 4 years... Oh but you say WD was hit really really hard, surely they have lost a lot of money because of this disaster! Yea, they did SOOO BAD. THEIR STOCK PRICE ONLY WENT UP 74% POOR THEM (24.44$ to 42.60$)


Companies will give you any excuse to have higher prices or keep them high. In the GPU business they slowly brought the prices up every generation and give the supply and demand to keep the prices high... DEJA VU. OMG THAILAND FLOOD TRIPLE DA PRICES NOWWW... Oh prices of material are higher by 2 %, we gotta charge you 200% of pre-flood prices now k? plus so much demand now, rose 1%!
Posted on Reply
n-stersame excuse the HDD companies gave... Seagate's stock when up 170%, yes it more than doubled, it practically TRIPLE (probably will). It's the highest it's been for over 4 years... Oh but you say WD was hit really really hard, surely they have lost a lot of money because of this disaster! Yea, they did SOOO BAD. THEIR STOCK PRICE ONLY WENT UP 74% POOR THEM (24.44$ to 42.60$)


Companies will give you any excuse to have higher prices or keep them high. In the GPU business they slowly brought the prices up every generation and give the supply and demand to keep the prices high... DEJA VU. OMG THAILAND FLOOD TRIPLE DA PRICES NOWWW... Oh prices of material are higher by 2 %, we gotta charge you 200% of pre-flood prices now k? plus so much demand now, rose 1%!
LOL, just :roll:
I agree, and i have no idea of what's going on these peoples mind that justifies a company chargin ridiculous i said before, they are making people melieve $350 for a 7870 is a just a "little" overpriced.
Posted on Reply
Super XP
The same can be said about companies like Apple. For instance, many Appleholic's think if Apple kept manufacturing in North America, the hardware junk would double in price vs. today's prices. So this makes them feel good because they don't want to admit outsourcing to slave Labour oversees.

Anyhow let me explain, claiming that hardware prices would go up if jobs were kept in North America is a load of shit.

Apple for example makes over 350% profit with slave Labour, yet there JUNK is overpriced & overhyped. If they kept jobs here in North America profits would be approx: 250% to 300%.

Not much difference. This is called vulture capitalism among other names.

Ever since the 1960's and 1970's big corrupted business's and banks were doing everything the deregulated the financial industry for the goal to get rich while the poor and middle class work like dogs for low wages.

Anyhow they've succeeded, society is going into Oblivion while they continue to make $$$$$$$.
Sorry the rant.
Posted on Reply
Super XPApple for example makes over 350% profit with slave Labour, yet there JUNK is overpriced & overhyped. If they kept jobs here in North America profits would be approx: 250% to 300%.
And that's why i don't buy apple.
Posted on Reply
I think that lowering HD 7970 prices would also mean for AMD to officially admit that the 7970 is inferior.
Posted on Reply
their stance makes sense.......i agree that it makes no sense for amd to cut prices right now bc they would have to reduce all their prices to compete with just the 680 and if they reduce price on just the 7970 it would detract from the adjacent cards in AMD's lineup.....basically once NV has a competitive lineup and not just a competitive card AMD will indeed compete and cut prices.

so if you are waiting for a price cut from the red team it is coming once nv pumps out some more hardware. IMO.

my general opinion on the price of the is expensive but that is alot of card for the money too. That 7970 and/or 680 is more powerful than 3 russian pc's. lol.
Posted on Reply
7970 - $499
7950 - $419
7870 - $349 (same)
7850 - $249 (same)
7770 - $149
7750 - $99

Do it AMD!

At this point the only AMD cards actually worth the money are the 7800s.
Posted on Reply
Hmm well 7970 is faster than the gtx 580 I bring this up because the 580 is priced around 500 whole 7970s have gone down here to 579 aud fair price as it is IMO.
Posted on Reply
symmetrical7970 - $499
7950 - $419
7870 - $349 (same)
7850 - $249 (same)
7770 - $149
7750 - $99

Do it AMD!

At this point the only AMD cards actually worth the money are the 7800s.
i bet AMD can cut it out to even more cheaper if nv release the rest of the line up with an adequate stock to answer the consumers demand..
Posted on Reply
In few days we might see a trick that unlocks the 7970 shaders. :D
Posted on Reply
sad but true.
i hope i'd get MSI Lightning HD7970 with "reasonable" price in the future. :(
Posted on Reply
~Technological Technocrat~
AvonXIn few days we might see a trick that unlocks the 7970 shaders. :D
now that would be pretty amazing if it happened. the price of the 7950 is quite good IMO here in the UK its around £330-350 where a standard reference 7970 is close to £400. the 7970 Twin FrozR III is around £500 :shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu I could get a pretty decent second hand car for that price
Posted on Reply
What if they release the magical driver that unleashes 30% performance boost in all games all resolutions lol. Side note I managed to score a 7950 for 350 from ebay!
Posted on Reply

They knew supply would be short so they should/could have prepared themselves. How? Hmm... what about ensuring sufficient production of one chip instead of flooding the market with a whole overpriced lineup, all of which will be extremely short in supply? They knew what supply would be so they did it on purpose to keep supply short and then even mocked on us by releasing the press release about them releasing 3 chips in 3 months. And I hear Nvidia will do the same in 2-3 months too. Bravo. We should be proud of both of them for forcing us to suffer these shameful prices.
Computer hardware companies don't exist to make things nice and happy for enthusiasts.
IF AMD and NV were privately held companies, maybe they would be more sympathetic to the people that buy their products; lower prices to something more realistic, release products in a more consumer friendly manner etc. But, they are not privately held companies, they are publicly traded companies; it is their duty to maximize profit wherever and whenever possible, in order to do everything they can to increase share prices, so that their shareholders benefit. They have no choice, they have to do this, and the management of the companies get rewarded when they succeed. This is all that matters to them, not idealistic arguments about how something could have been done better in order to satisfy the economic and idealistic wishes of young and not so young gamers and hardware enthusiasts who want the next new thing NOW! RIGHT NOW! ....
Yes, there are engineers and others working for them who still have that sentiment deep down, but that doesn't make the companies money, that just drives those engineers to do the best they can to create the best products they can within the business limitations the executives have to enforce.

That's it, no point going over and over and over it, constantly and without any benefit to anyone.
Posted on Reply
~Technological Technocrat~
InceptorComputer hardware companies don't exist to make things nice and happy for enthusiasts.
actually they do - otherwise nobody would buy their hardware, same can be said about buying other things. truth be told. If a sales rep were to constantly talk down to you like a 5 year old. you wouldnt want to buy what his or her company is selling but yet the company is in the business of selling what they are selling, be it performance tuned cars or ladys handbags.

Enthusiasts make up such a small percentage of the overall market. but yet its the Enthusiast that forms quite a large part of the companies income because they are the ones that are constantly upgrading.

No average joe is going to build their own pc or buy expensive parts to upgrade their current PC - they look for pre-built machines that meet their requirements/spec.

Of course every company is out to make money. theres no denying that. but theres doing it in a JUST way then theres DOING IT BECAUSE THEY CAN. why do you think price wars exist??? If AMD lowers the price, they will attract more customers and im not just talking about the ones that are forced to buy it because their pre-made came bundled with a AMD 79x0
Posted on Reply
InceptorComputer hardware companies don't exist to make things nice and happy for enthusiasts.
IF AMD and NV were privately held companies, maybe they would be more sympathetic to the people that buy their products; lower prices to something more realistic, release products in a more consumer friendly manner etc. But, they are not privately held companies, they are publicly traded companies; it is their duty to maximize profit wherever and whenever possible, in order to do everything they can to increase share prices, so that their shareholders benefit. They have no choice, they have to do this, and the management of the companies get rewarded when they succeed. This is all that matters to them, not idealistic arguments about how something could have been done better in order to satisfy the economic and idealistic wishes of young and not so young gamers and hardware enthusiasts who want the next new thing NOW! RIGHT NOW! ....
Yes, there are engineers and others working for them who still have that sentiment deep down, but that doesn't make the companies money, that just drives those engineers to do the best they can to create the best products they can within the business limitations the executives have to enforce.

That's it, no point going over and over and over it, constantly and without any benefit to anyone.
Like Freedom said they do exist to make their customers happy. In fact, that is the pillar of their success and hence the very reason of their existence. Pleasing their shareholders* is part of their duty, but price gouging, supply and demand control and other monopolistic/duopolistic tactics are not part of their duty and are illegal in most places afaik.

* They are NOT forced to please shareholders at any cost BTW. Shareholders can opt to buy and sell their shares and have some voting privileges as to what happens in the company, but that's far, really far from saying that the company has to do anything they can to please them. The only duty that the management is really forced to fullfill is ensuring an ongoing bussiness. (and alienating your customers is fastest way to ensure the opposite)
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