Friday, March 30th 2012

Main Use of Xbox 360 is Not Gaming: Microsoft
According to Microsoft, gaming is not what Xbox 360 game consoles are being used for, now-a-days. People's primary usage patterns have shifted more towards listening to music, and watching TV through their Xbox 360 consoles. Gaming on it, comes next. "What we're seeing is that people are turning on the Xbox to play games and then keeping it on afterwards to get other types of entertainment," Microsoft's Yusuf Mehdi told the LA Times.
Tom's Guide
58 Comments on Main Use of Xbox 360 is Not Gaming: Microsoft
But hey already said it many times, consoles are becoming more and more PC's.
Why not just buy a pc then?
The problem is not enough gamers complain about it, and that we keep buying games that years ago would be considered to be in beta. So of course companies are going to keep pumping out games in their current state.
So basically most use consoles as media center PCs I'm cool with that. This means that it will make more sense for console makers to mold their consoles to PCs rather than making them unique gaming machines. This will make porting alot better and make services that might have been exclusive, available on everything.
gaming isn't dying, pc gaming isn't dying. They're just molding to modern needs and unfortunately attention spans. (hence the slew of sub 10 hour games)
I see where they are coming from though the 360 and PS3(my sister only uses it for Netflix 90% and game 10% she doesn't even turn on here 360 Elite anymore) have gotten very boring they have been out so long. I hope this doesn't make them think that for the next gen console the primary use will be TV, Movies, Music ETC. and game secondary.:banghead:
The internet is taking over EVERYTHING. Pretty soon we will all have the outer shell of our houses lined so that we can input a user name and password at the front door in order to get in, and if your isp is down, your SOL :banghead:
Donkey Kong Country, Killer Instinct, and then those awesome ports of Super Street Fighter II Turbo and Street Fighter Zero/Alpha.
PS2 was also pretty hard to code for, and GT4 looked HEAPS better than GT3 and most other launch titles. Again, if you saw what the PS2 was doing at launch, you would've thought GT4 to be far beyond it's capabilities.
But these days when a new console comes out it'll have a nice SDK. There's a lot less of that hacking directly into memory stuff that used to go on long ago.
I'm not saying we should go back to the old days, but i'm just tossing my thoughts out there as to why consoles become dated so quickly these days. We live in an era of easy mode.
and they use gfx chips from different sources and im sure that the gpu's in question have/had different bit depths etc and either way nvidia v amd ,regardless of which you prefer ,most notice a difference between images on them, imho amd's colours are better and the picture looks less grainey to me but that my opinion.:)
~10 dollars. May be you are one of the .00000000001% of the population that gets such a deal.
I still play NES and Playstation games from time to time. Looks like these old consoles will never die. ;)
Then again I use PS3 Media Server so all the decoding is done on my WHS, so I'm getting the same signal to both my 360 and PS3 regardless.
Were more robust that todays consoles (YLOD/RROD and other issues commonly mentioned on the net today) hence why I saved and moved onto my current PC that I've been happy with ever since (I had a P4 alongside those consoles so I haven't slacked off on my IT skills :) ).
Anyway, consoles from me are mainly for gaming (when I just wanted to sit down and play without fiddling with settings etc) and PCs are for when I want to fiddle with everything :)
I'm a gamer. I love games! I have found numerous games I enjoy on everything from the PC, PS3, 360, everything in-between and all the way back to the Atari 2600, Coleco, and PC (TX). :toast:
Sure not everything that comes out is not a AAA Blockbuster. But that's no to say there aren't dozens of gems and tons of fun to be had!
And on a side note, I use my 360 mostly for streaming Netflix and Hulu these days. That's mainly b/c I've been playing Skyrim, Deus ex, and BF3 (god I hate "battle log"...) on my PC. :toast: