Friday, March 30th 2012

Main Use of Xbox 360 is Not Gaming: Microsoft
According to Microsoft, gaming is not what Xbox 360 game consoles are being used for, now-a-days. People's primary usage patterns have shifted more towards listening to music, and watching TV through their Xbox 360 consoles. Gaming on it, comes next. "What we're seeing is that people are turning on the Xbox to play games and then keeping it on afterwards to get other types of entertainment," Microsoft's Yusuf Mehdi told the LA Times.
Tom's Guide
58 Comments on Main Use of Xbox 360 is Not Gaming: Microsoft
@Prima.Vera - that price is insane for most of us. would you do a speedtest and post?
It seems you are totally correct, I hadn't even heard of this until now, but nice find. Kind of puts a huge wrench in the fanboys talking about anyone using the PS3 lacking the best picture quality. I'd really like to see the few people that made this claim actually back it up. They render games in 720p(and the Xbox even renders some lower than that) and upscales to 1080p. However, video content is rendered at the source resolution, so if you are watching 1080p content, then there is no upscaling. If you are watching lower resolution content, they both upscale the content equally. In that instance it does come down to the upscaler and there can be some difference, but they are minor, and I believe most will say the Sony upscaler does a better job if you really really scrutinize the image.
Over the years I've acquired one or the other... It's not like I went out and bought them all yesterday. :slap: lol
EDIT: I have to correct me. There IS a new version of PS3 Media Server. Suddenly I found one. :) There:
but those who got it to work right prefered and switched from ps3ms might be soemthing to look at.