Thursday, April 5th 2012
EA is Consumerist's Worst Company in America for 2012
EA bagged another "achievement", Consumerist's Golden Poo Award for "worst company in America" for 2012. EA managed to beat Bank of America in getting there. Considering BoA has real potential to strip people of their savings, one can understand just how much of an effort EA put in winning this. Some might argue that EA and the video-games industry are too trivial compared to BoA and the finance industry, but this is exactly the argument that allows people to "ignore the complaints as companies like EA to nickel and dime consumers to death," according to Consumerist's consensus. People are particularly distraught with EA's practice of sandbagging game content and later selling it as DLCs that augment the main game, for a fee. Consumerist's "worst company in America" is an annual user-choice award given to companies with the worst business practices.
EA took the pains to respond to its achievement, by taunting The Consumerist for its choice of nominations for people to vote on, in a statement given to Kotaku.
The Consumerist, Kotaku
EA took the pains to respond to its achievement, by taunting The Consumerist for its choice of nominations for people to vote on, in a statement given to Kotaku.
We're sure that British Petroleum, AIG, Philip Morris, and Halliburton are all relieved they weren't nominated this year. We're going to continue making award-winning games and services played by more than 300 million people worldwide.
58 Comments on EA is Consumerist's Worst Company in America for 2012
Day ~150 (yesterday): Origin had major problems, unable to launch the game, massive servers down, battlelog went nuts, everyone getting kicked because of punkbuster.
maybe it was a punk Buster update yesterday,It said on the website for Battle log they would do a 15 min update....geesh and that is EA fault how ?
What i am saying here and in the other post (please see the pic of Counter Strike Source)EA =Electronic Arts the DISTRIBUTION COMPANY not EA studios that make and break certain games. You guys see EA logo and not think they are 3 or 4 separate companies that make one.DICE made BF3,They need to get it too store...oh wait EA will distribute them....Its all EA they suck ...Funny if Valve does it and you see EA logo in plain site it`s ok ????
I was thinking about the final vote as in BoA vs EA as far as getting ripped of vs games, but company that kills is referring to ones that were included in the original vote before it was narrowed down.
From what i was told,they would fore close o homes and collect the insurance money from the loans....leaving honest people homeless even if they were still paying out ,But like you EA and its Evil Left Nut Off Satan himself program and company EA+origin win....
Phillip Morris: hey you don't want lung cancer? Don't smoke, easy as that
British Petroleum: well what did u expect? A green oil company? :rolleyes:
Haliburon: same above
AIG: this one is a bit more tricky, since (last I checked) there are no alternatives to AIG (it's basically a monoploly right)
But EA is a basically a technology's prime goal should be entartain while innovating...profit is just a consequence of that behavior. But in the last years it clearly shows that EA's prime goal was PROFIT from pretending to innovate and entertain. That's a big disappointment in the eyes of the sober IT consumer (imho).
So yes, EA is on the top level, and in charge of everything. They set the budgets, they set the release date, they are in total control of every little detail if they want to. It is their fault. Not some developer up in Sweden who hasn't gotten a sprint item on the backlog to fix bug X because there was no budget for it.
Get your facts straight.
Another thing that comes to mind is how the fuck can you have a ass hole company award for 2012 when were only 4 months into it LMAO.
Do i like EA erm not their asses but a lot of them are today and i bet there is worse than Bank Of America as well although never used them and most likely never will so how many others never used them but had EA games and voted EA just because they feel screwed by EA.
EA deserved the hate which led to this award. The mess with Steam was only a part of it all. Origin being the mess it is, still in beta. Then naming it after a beloved classic company which EA bought and killed. Mix in all the messes with all the big hit titles this last year or two. Then countless anger over their business practices a decade before...
This has been a long time coming. Sadly it is hard to fondly remember the classic EA which was so fantastic. From the days of Desert Strike/etc. Then, bigger and bigger they got. Dreamcast comes, EA starts flexing their muscles. EA kills it by refusing to dev on it. Companies start bending knee to EA more and more.
The response is truthful. They aren't the worst. But it is also shows their arrogance. It is a slap back at the consumer. "Hey, we aren't the ones ruining the planet. Our games are award winning, therefore, you're wrong!"
There is no concept to EA of why consumers voted them. Think what would be wonderful is if their stock took a dive from this. But I doubt that would happen.
Also EA, who do you think voted for you there? The very people you are trying to sell your produce to. Others likely don't even know who you are. Still, you made it to the top. That should tell you something.
For well over a decade EA has been symtematically destroying the industry and now it has reached a point where they can no longer hide under the actions of so called "eviler" companies. I wouldn't be surprised if EA was behind some of the bigger stories of the 2000s to keep themselves out of the spotlight. As a known evil company with a long term plot, it's in their best interest to "nudge" people or groups into creating media spectacles. The kind to take focus away from their trend of evil.