Monday, April 16th 2012

Crytek Takes Aim with Crysis 3 - The First Blockbuster Shooter of 2013

The hunted becomes the hunter! Electronic Arts Inc. and award-winning developer Crytek GmbH, today announced Crysis 3, the premier sandbox shooter experience of 2013. Powered by Crytek's proprietary CryENGINE, Crysis 3 advances the state of the art with unparalleled visuals and dynamic shooter gameplay. Players take on the role of 'Prophet' as he returns to New York, only to discover that the city has been encased in a Nanodome created by the corrupt Cell Corporation. The New York City Liberty Dome is a veritable urban rainforest teeming with overgrown trees, dense swamplands and raging rivers. Within the Liberty Dome, seven distinct and treacherous environments become known as the Seven Wonders. This dangerous new world demands advanced weapons and tactics. Prophet will utilize a lethal composite bow, an enhanced Nanosuit and devastating alien tech to become the deadliest hunter on the planet.

"Crysis 3 is a thrilling mix of sandbox gameplay, advanced combat and hi-tech human and alien weaponry that shooter fans will love," said Cevat Yerli, Chief Executive Officer of Crytek. "Leveraging the latest CryENGINE technology, we're able to deliver seven unique themes that offer stunning and visually loaded gameplay experiences. We cannot wait until people get their hands on the game."

Set in 2047, Prophet is on a revenge mission after uncovering the truth behind Cell Corporation's motives for building the quarantined Nanodomes. The citizens were told that the giant citywide structures were resurrected to protect the population and to cleanse these metropolises of the remnants of Ceph forces. In reality, the Nanodomes are CELL's covert attempt at a land and technology grab in their quest for global domination. With Alien Ceph lurking around every corner and human enemies on the attack, nobody is safe in the path of vengeance. Everyone is a target in Prophet's quest for retribution.

Crytek also announced that players who are ready to start the hunt can pre-order the Crysis 3 Hunter Edition today. The Crysis 3 Hunter Edition gives players the tools to become the ultimate hunter in multiplayer with early access to the new signature bow and its attachments, plus the Hunter Nanosuit module which adds additional power and functionality to the super-suit. Gamers who pre-order now will also have a head start when playing online with a bonus XP boost up to level 5, a unique bow skin and three exclusive dog tags to hunt in style. The Crysis 3 Hunter Edition is available on and other participating retailers for $59.99.

In addition to receiving the Crysis 3 Hunter Edition, select retailers are offering gamers that pre-order Crysis 3 the following early multiplayer unlocks:

- Stalker Pack - Includes the base game, all Hunter Edition content and the following early multiplayer unlocks: for players who like to stalk their prey from the shadows the Stalker Pack provides early multiplayer access to the deadly semi-auto Jackal shotgun. This powerful, close-range shotgun comes with a unique silencer attachment, custom weapon skin and two exclusive themed in-game dog tags.

- Overkill Pack - Includes the base game, all Hunter Edition content and the following early multiplayer unlocks: the Overkill Pack features early multiplayer access to the Typhoon assault weapon and skin. Spewing 500 rounds a second, the Typhoon gives players the ability to go guns blazing to take back the Liberty Dome. Also included are two exclusive Overkill themed in-game dog tags.

- Predator Pack - Includes the base game, all the Hunter Edition content and the following early multiplayer unlocks: the Predator Pack delivers early multiplayer access to the Feline submachine gun and exclusive camo. With an extremely fast rate of fire and a 60 round magazine the Feline is highly effective and deadly, at short range.

Developed by Crytek and powered by the proprietary cutting edge CryENGINE technology, Crysis 3 will be available spring 2013 for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system and PC.
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82 Comments on Crytek Takes Aim with Crysis 3 - The First Blockbuster Shooter of 2013

hardcore_gamerMore News: PC version will launch with directx 9.0 b. A directx 11 patch will be released after 1 year with amazing flat surface and underwater tessellation.
You mad? lol.
Posted on Reply
MxPhenom 216
ASIC Engineer
Sah7dYou must be one of those CoD "pew pew-bam!-kabum!" lovers.
Seriuos Sam is fine but not my style, anyway; there were people who loved Crysis2
but they are never the same people that played the original Crysis concept.

Casual games are currently all over the place.
yeah you got me. I LOVE COD to bad the last CoD i bought was MW2, and then I made the transistion to Battlefield with BC2 and haven't played CoD since and have been playing Battlefield.

I don't know where you got me talking about tactically taking out enemies to call of duty loving?

cod =/= tactical.
Posted on Reply
Crysis 1 was all foliage and no city,
Crysis 2 was all city and no foliage and ppl hated on the graphics
Crysis 3 is a mix of city and foliage

Crytek i see how it works...
Posted on Reply
After the DX11 patch, I am not sure why everyone hated the graphics for C2. I didn't think to myself "wow, these are bad graphics." once when playing. I used DX11 and high res, but still.
Posted on Reply
Super Dainty Moderator
St.Alia-Of-The-KnifeCrysis 1 was all foliage and no city, (beautiful)
Crysis 2 was all city and no foliage and ppl hated on the graphics (modern warfare lovers dream but atleast the story was a continuation)
Crysis 3 is a mix of city and foliage (you play logans run with a nano suite, not to mention I watched
prophet take a lead vitamin
this game looks like a prequil to 2 and not in anyway shape or form a continuation of the story.

Crytek i see how it works...
im preparing to be disappointed. I liked 2 but i liked 1 alot more. Idealy I wanted crysis 3 to be back on the island with nomad and psycho not in some "dome" in the middle of a "city" with different "environments" in the "dome" WTF is this? If i want final fantasy ill grab my disk and play it. if I want special forces roaming around jungles killing people with a bealivable story id pick up crysis. This series is just dying imo.
Posted on Reply
it will be crappy graphics like older one no improves, cuz it's run on same shit the xbox 360 ans ps3
Posted on Reply
Do I still need to deal with the damn Aliens?
Posted on Reply
If they add DX11 from the start and without those fatal bugs like invisible water and super tessellated concrete barriers, I think something cool could be done, knowing that with the latest CryEngine update the objects doesn't have to be pretessellated. The gains could be used.

I noticed some DX11 features on Crysis 2, but a lot of them were hard to spot. The most notorious was the tessellation on brick walls.

I hope that as they made Crysis 1 for consoles, then they know how to make a game for consoles and then put the full experience on PC, with all the jungle and not just random New York trees of Central Park and empty maps.

Damn it, I wanna feel like Schwarzennegger in Predator. "You're one... ugly mother******!"

PS: I liked Crysis 2, but I liked more Crysis 1, it didn't have that "jail" feeling, even during the second part of the game with the aliens, that was the worst part of the game because it suddenly turned into very quick action and ending. AI and environment felt more playable with.
Posted on Reply
If they are making the game multi platform, the levels will be very small again, with consoles in mind. It dosent matter if they add DX11 features, consoles dont have the CPU or RAM to deal with the kind of maps Crysis 1 had. Not to mention the GPU poor capabilities...why do you think there was much less foliage and destructable stuff?
Posted on Reply
suraswamiDo I still need to deal with the damn Aliens?
I miss the North Koreans.
Posted on Reply
Super Dainty Moderator
hardcore_gamerI miss the North Koreans.
"yeah since when did the north koreans have themselves a motherfuckin freeze ray?" -aztec
Posted on Reply
ya know personally, i feel there's no reason that graphics can't be like 10% from reality. GTX 285 could run crysis at like 30fps max, 1920x1080. So i really REALLY don't understand why graphics aren't at the level they should be. I suppose it's all consoles' fault.

Though i will say that i see everyone saying, "graphics look the same", but i'd rather hear what you'd want improved on. I mean what do feel is missing from the graphics? besides every little thing being destructable(which they should be).
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
a_umpya know personally, i feel there's no reason that graphics can't be like 10% from reality. GTX 285 could run crysis at like 30fps max, 1920x1080. So i really REALLY don't understand why graphics aren't at the level they should be. I suppose it's all consoles' fault.
It's not the consoles fault. We are a long long away from that sort of graphics.
Posted on Reply
yea i suppose, i guess i don't have the "eye" to spot all the imperfections in graphics from reality. I mean yea some are obvious but i don't feel we're super far from being able to barely tell the difference. I truly believe that once the next gen consoles(1-2yr) from now will allow the graphical push all us pc users have been waiting for.
Posted on Reply
Pixels needed for a display to fill field of vision and be indistinguishable from the real world to the human eye (42" screen) = 86,764,216 pixels.
1920x1080p screen pixels = 2,073,600 pixels = 2.4% of the above.
2540x1600 = 4,064,000 pixels = 4.7% of where we want to be.
4096x2160 = 8,847,360 = 10.2% of the above where we want to be.
Yeah we are a ways off.
Even a 24" panel will require 25,192,366 pixels.
Posted on Reply
hardcore_gamer1st was a good game.And then they turned it into a COD with nanosuit to attract console kids.
Is not hard to get the idea but with COD fans well...
the game is great for them, in fact is tactically fun.
Posted on Reply
VulpesveritasPixels needed for a display to fill field of vision and be indistinguishable from the real world to the human eye (42" screen) = 86,764,216 pixels.
1920x1080p screen pixels = 2,073,600 pixels = 2.4% of the above.
2540x1600 = 4,064,000 pixels = 4.7% of where we want to be.
4096x2160 = 8,847,360 = 10.2% of the above where we want to be.
Yeah we are a ways off.
Even a 24" panel will require 25,192,366 pixels.
um lol i didn't really think about it that way. I was more getting at texture res, and things like that, but i suppose that screen resolution ties into that. :P
Posted on Reply
Filiprinoby the time Crysis 3 launches we'll have Radeons HD 8000 and GTX 780 or GTX 685, what NVIDIA decides to call it.
Maxwell aka GTX 700 series will be delayed just like gtx 480 and gtx 680. It'll be released in 2014 for sure like between March - April.

Chances are we'll need GTX 680 2-way SLI to play this game smooth 60 fps or above (max settings 1080p/1200p single monitor)...or maybe with a single GTX 685, GK110.
Posted on Reply
AphexDreamerSo we went from Futuristic Alien Weapons in Crysis 1 to Bow and Arrows in Crysis 3.

They need to stop taking from other games (COD/Skyrim) and start coming up with their own shit.
wait to see crysis 4 ;we'll have nano mace,nano club,nano spear and of course nanoshit :laugh:
Posted on Reply
I am going to anticipate with disappointment as Crysis 2 claimed to be a step forward, but really it seemed more like a step backwards both story wise and graphic wise. I was really hoping to play as Nomad and Psyko in Crysis 2 to go and save Prophet from the alien infested island, instead I was put into the shoes of a complete random in a linear new york city and was only given fragments of what happened to Raptor team right after being cliff hangered in Crysis 1.
Posted on Reply
Crysis+EA+console port = won't be purchasing.
The screenshots look nice, though.
Posted on Reply
Mr McC
A generic console port that is likely to require Origin - no thanks.
Posted on Reply
Doesn't look bad- its cryengine ofcourse, but then again, I'm not moved. Just like crysis 2,not interested
Posted on Reply
randomI am going to anticipate with disappointment as Crysis 2 claimed to be a step forward, but really it seemed more like a step backwards both story wise and graphic wise. I was really hoping to play as Nomad and Psyko in Crysis 2 to go and save Prophet from the alien infested island, instead I was put into the shoes of a complete random in a linear new york city and was only given fragments of what happened to Raptor team right after being cliff hangered in Crysis 1.
This was my exact expectation and reaction when I started playing Crysis 2. After a couple of hours of playing I uninstalled it and never gave it a second thought.
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