Monday, May 21st 2012

Tt eSPORTS Debuts Black Element Cyclone Edition Mouse Featuring a Detachable Fan

Tt eSPORTS is proud to present the World's first gaming mouse with detachable fan-device design - the BLACK Element Cyclone. A true gaming mouse that eliminates all possible situations that may occur in your gaming palm, BLACK Element Cyclone edition gaming mouse and its detachable fan-device allowing gamers to attach the fan on their familiar BLACK Element gaming mouse when gaming, and the rest leaves to Cyclone to take care of your gaming comfort and concentration.

Successsful BLACK series
Back in 2010 when Tt eSPORTS BLACK gaming mouse was introduced, it was honorably selected as World Cyber Game's Official Hardware sponsor in 2010, and the world of e-Sports community began to notice Tt eSPORTS' competitive product development creativity and its futuristic industrial design.

The BLACK Element gaming mouse was then created to overwhelm e-Sports community with its two additional features: muscle power and visual effects. Its unbeatable 6500 DPI laser sensor engine and 5 amazing vibrant color choices to match gamer's preferences, are still exciting the e-Sports community and highly praised by media. In 2012, Tt eSPORTS proudly presents the BLACK Element Cyclone gaming mouse, an innovative gaming product that re-invents the mouse design. The Cyclone edition allows gamers to enjoy the same strength, same comfort, and same visual characters from its predecessor BLACK Element, but with extra cool when gaming. A true manifestation of dedicating the best gaming product development for the e-Sports community, Tt eSPORTS BLACK Element Cyclone edition is comfortable to grip and allows you to grip it while gentle breeze flowing from your fingertips to your heated palm, slowly cool down the temperature.

The result: simply fantastically amazing.

BLACK Element Cyclone is designed with detachable fan-device, and by itself is superbly created in so many respects:

● Fan Speed RPM is enhanced up to 6,000.
● The maxium airflow reaches to 2.7 CFM, or Cubic Feet per Minute. It is a technical measurement scale to calculate how much air is delivered from the wind source (fan device) to the directed area (fingertips and palm). Considering the close proximity between the mouse and the hand, 2.7 CFM airflow can efficiently dry-off the hand.
● Cyclone's noise level is set at 21.7 dB, which is below the average environmental noise - 30dB - such as at library and the whispering noise level.
● Detachable fan-device design, without compromising gamer's ultimate demands of concentration.

For more information please visit BLACK Element Cyclone gaming mouse by Tt eSPORTS at
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51 Comments on Tt eSPORTS Debuts Black Element Cyclone Edition Mouse Featuring a Detachable Fan

way tight

hands stay dry and way tight :roll:
Posted on Reply
Why not create a mouse cooled by a mini 10 watt peltier cooler and have it use dual usb for the power, maybe a little fan to dissipate the heat or something :rockout:
Posted on Reply
I've so much fear that some day an alien race will discover what we humans have invented so far.
Posted on Reply
dafuq? lol

I do wonder how well it works, though.
Posted on Reply
I'm more asking, why not put the fan inside the mouse then use a venting system? I've taken apart my MX mice...there is a lot of unused space inside.

But I do applaud the weights. That alone put this on my map for investigation.
Posted on Reply
Judging by how well the fan workes on the keyboard (which isn't very well), I doubt this will work effectively. It's a nice idea though.
Posted on Reply
Yukikazedafuq? lol

I do wonder how well it works, though.
it will work fine, i think
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
If I was a serious gamer I'd look into this actually, as my apartment gets stinking hot in the summer (despite me living very close to the northern polar circle).
Posted on Reply
It seems a miniaturized hoovercraft, maybe if we put it into a water pond we could play with it :roll:
Posted on Reply
My palm is the problem... not my fingernails...
Posted on Reply
1st were weights
now were fans...
what's next?
detachable umbrellas?:roll:
Posted on Reply
I feel soooo old-fashioned for having an ordinary ventilator (aka fan) in my room for moving air :laugh:

I'd rather see a genius develop a massaging system for (right) hand and arm during intensive working/gaming sessions... Much more serious of a problem. :(
Posted on Reply
Sweaty palms, fingers and hands,…….

Not really a problem for me but for those who are afflicted by this, there are more effective ways to deal with it. One could for example:

1) Lower the temperature of the room

2) Spray antiperspirant on your hand

3) see a doctor about your odd condition

Anyway, a more effective design for cooling the hand via a mouse would be to have a mouse with a mesh outer shell and a fan inside to cool the contact areas of the hand.

This seems ineffective and $illy,…
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
OctaveanSweaty palms, fingers and hands,…….

Not really a problem for me but for those who are afflicted by this, there are more effective ways to deal with it. One could for example:

1) Lower the temperature of the room

2) Spray antiperspirant on your hand

3) see a doctor about your odd condition
So you wouldn't be hot in like 32C with no possibilies so lower the temps (beside fans)?
Posted on Reply
There goes your index...
Posted on Reply
~Technological Technocrat~
the mouse it self looks like its borrowed some design ideas from Logitech, Roccat and Mionix. as for the ability to attach a fan... :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Sure it gets uncomfy playing in the heat, but Id rather pay for a small 7-10" fan that clips onto my desk for under $20 that will be 500x more effective then this small fan that will do nothing but irritate me with the hi-pitched noise or 'buzzing' while possibly transfering any vibrations into the mouse and maybe throwing my aim off while im sniping a little...

Good idea TT but something like this is best left on on the drawing board, where it belongs.
Posted on Reply
CaseLabs Rep
Posted on Reply
Interesting to say the least.

I hope everyone who comments here understands that this product is for people who game for hours at a time.

I know the Starcraft 2 guys practice for multiple 3 hour sessions if not longer. Games like Diablo 3 are massive clickfests which create abnormal issues like sweating or clammy hands. Someone will enjoy this product very much.
Posted on Reply
Not a bad mouse on specs and appears to be a comfortable shape...minus the fan.
Posted on Reply
~Technological Technocrat~
XNineMore esports garbage. Mousing gloves, glasses, vests, mice with fans on them. What a joke.
NZXT rep vs. TT rep - handbags at 10paces. go go go!

I find this short of hilarious.

As a rep, it is your duty to remain neutral and impartial. despite how bad you think a competitors product is.

for you to straight out and say "we think your product is garbage" Or "your product is shit". Its bad practise, rude and disrespectful Not just to TT but to the company you are representing.

Of course you are entitled to your own opinions, but dont forget that you are also representing a competitor.

This is a public forum not some sort of run down council estate where even the old ladies have more of an attitude then the average chav. I would wish and also expect that those in a position of power - mods, admins, reps whoever they maybe be conduct themselves in a professional manner.

Im not saying you cant let your hair down and have a joke around, but come on. Slagging off a competitor?
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
FreedomEclipseNZXT rep vs. TT rep - handbags at 10paces. go go go!

I find this short of hilarious.

As a rep, it is your duty to remain neutral and impartial. despite how bad you think a competitors product is.

for you to straight out and say "we think your product is garbage" Or "your product is shit". Its bad practise, rude and disrespectful Not just to TT but to the company you are representing.

Of course you are entitled to your own opinions, but dont forget that you are also representing a competitor.

This is a public forum not some sort of run down council estate where even the old ladies have more of an attitude then the average chav. I would wish and also expect that those in a position of power - mods, admins, reps whoever they maybe be conduct themselves in a professional manner.

Im not saying you cant let your hair down and have a joke around, but come on. Slagging off a competitor?
I don't think what to think of the Rep's here. At one hand I see them as random forum members which mean they can write stuff like that, on the other hand I see them as officials. But I'm not sure they are "official" like that. Or are they?
Posted on Reply
I tend to see them as "officials" only when there is a need to be an "official". Otherwise they are just a random member of the internet who has the freedom of speech. Might not be the case for NZXT internal policy, but that is what I believe anyway.

As for the fan on mouse, I think the fan will cause the mouse to be quite unbalanced, and that might hurt the performances of the players. Tt seems to be innovating heavily, but half of the time the products are better off as gifts to people who you would not see again lol.
Posted on Reply
Each company and each rep can have it's own agenda. We are global, not belonging to one single Weltanschauung or way of life. Imagine everybody talking like an churchgoing anglosaxon white collar rep... Zzz
Posted on Reply
XNineMore esports garbage. Mousing gloves, glasses, vests, mice with fans on them. What a joke.
Really? and what does NZXT have to offer? besides trash cases and power supplies that cant get the job done?:roll:
Posted on Reply
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