Thursday, May 31st 2012

GeForce GTX 680 A Sellout Success: NVIDIA

NVIDIA's flagship single-GPU graphics card, the GeForce GTX 680, achieved performance leadership over AMD's Radeon HD 7970, and forced a price-cut, however, a section of the community feels that availability is an issue with it. According to NVIDIA, availability is attributed to sales, and not lack of volumes. At an annual investors' meeting with the company's top-brass, NVIDIA released a slide which depicts GeForce GTX 680 as having 60% higher sales than GeForce GTX 580, six weeks following their respective launches.

There is one cosmetic inaccuracy in the graph, though. GeForce GTX 680 and GTX 580 are labeled "GT". One inference that can be drawn out of the graph is that NVIDIA is seeing some success in putting the 28 nm silicon fabrication process to use, despite the GTX 680 being one of the first chips built on it. In comparison, the GTX 580 arrived when the 40 nm process achieved a higher level of maturity. There seems to be a genuinely high demand for the GTX 680.
Source: PC Perspective
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65 Comments on GeForce GTX 680 A Sellout Success: NVIDIA

syeefWell my country is slow... I bought it 3.5 years ago. Now, I want to buy a GTX680, still waiting for it. GOD knows when it will get here....
buy one from india then, its prob out there no?
Posted on Reply
400 series mayb was a flop in terms of power consumption and stuff, but from wat I've seen its by far the best price performance as I remember, there was a time when gtx470 cost 240$ which totally pushed hd6870 prices down from 250 to lik 180-200
As for 500 series gtx570 is almost discontinued and it didn't even go below 350
I remember getting a gtx460 twin crozr 1gb edition for 145$ which I still have right now, we never saw such prices with 500 series, which is better for NVIDIA but worse for us, and if it was t for gtx480 being priced under 400$ then hd6970 would've been priced way over the 350$ it was going for. This gens pricing is ridiculous
Tho NVIDIA sure is doing better than amd from that aspect, i wonder when hd7870 will be 220$ or so cuz that's were it belongs
Posted on Reply
What ever is the fastest controls the market. People who just upgraded take loss sell their cards and buy new ones if the performance warrants,it. the old king gets a price cut the cycle continues.
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Intoxicated Moderator
Nvidia are definitely selling the GTX 680's but the "sell out" scenario is due to limited stock, irrespective of yield. They, as a company, are not putting enough 680's out to market.

From a UK perspective they've ditched the 680 now and are focussing more on 670. In most online places, the 670 is far more readily available in stock.

Also, I've seen the 7970 prices creep back up in some places. That would tend to suggest demand for the 7970 is rising.

Meh, it's Nvidia investor focused marketing blurb. Pile of shite tbh.

Roll on 2013.
Posted on Reply
eddmanIf others are not complaining, does not mean the process doesn't have problems.
True, but nVidia seems to be the only one not being able to meet demand.

Also remember that the GTX 5xx never really sold out like the GTX 6xx has. nVidia said that GTX 6xx yields are up over GTX 5xx yields. Just because the sales are up does not mean that yields are worlds better then what Qualcomm and AMD are seeing.

Think about it for a minute. AMD had free reign before the GTX 680 came out. Even if we assume equal sales, AMD seemed to be able to supply the market. Not to mention with a bigger GPU too.

I can say I sold out of all my product Y even it yields of it are crap. Then I can say yields are better then product X (which fixed yields of product W). So while my yields are not terrible, I can still technically say that I'm seeing record sales.

I also like how the y-axis has no label. Does the GTX6xx sell 1, 10, 100, 1000, etc better then GTX 5xx? Without a label, it is a worthless graph other then to tell you that GTX 6xx are selling more then GTX 5xx.
FluffmeisterPublically at least, pretty sure Qualcomm feel constrained by supply too.
Qualcomm and AMD have not said they can't get enough wafer starts to meet demand. Only nVidia has made this statement.
NkdBullshit, I don't believe that they are so damn popular that they are still hard to find after over 2 months of launch. Seriously if anyone believes this they are just being fanboys. I am sure they are popular but to believe that they are hard to find because they are getting sold out is bullshit. I work in retail channel and these things are non existent, place an order for 10 and you get allocation of 1 if you are lucky.

Yes they are popular and I mean very popular but to say that the reason we can't find them is because of demand is bullshit.
How would you compare demand for the GTX 6xx cards to the AMD 79xx cards before the GTX 680 came out?
Posted on Reply
mlee49Nvidia might just have the best/worst marketing team ever.

Every press release has graphs, charts, and useless numbers in them.
They clearly learnt a lot from the sacked AMD marketing team from hell.
Posted on Reply
mastrdrverQualcomm and AMD have not said they can't get enough wafer starts to meet demand. Only nVidia has made this statement.
Google is your friend.
Posted on Reply
MxPhenom 216
ASIC Engineer
XzibitNice graph but I have numbers too :slap:

GTX 580 released
11/09/2009 - 13.34
12/24/2009 - 18.09

Take out the fact that it was Holiday season. The stock went up so its a success

GTX 680 released
03/22/2012 - 14.35
05/31/2012 - 12.43

Hmm. So if your stock goes up 5 points its whatever, but if you loose 2 points its a 60% success over gaining 5 points in stock value.

I want this guys job.
yeah because your numbers that have no source really override a graph from an actual source. Try again buddy.
Posted on Reply
nvidiaintelftwyeah because your numbers that have no source really override a graph from an actual source. Try again buddy.
Nvidia on NASDAQ

Just do a historical 3 year-to-date look up on the stock price. Let me know if you need your hand held or if you find the Nasdaq an unreliable source. ;)

Maybe I just got trolled :banghead:

Did quote the wrong year for 580. its 2010 not the 09, doh!
11/09/2010 - 12.59
12/23/2010 - 14.92

Still had a stock 2 point gain during that release as oppose to a 2 point loss currently with 680

While i'm at it..

The original Article/OP linked is not a source. They are refering to publish reports made at GTC and citing them as a back and forth conversation they had with Nvidia themselves.
Posted on Reply
The graph is of "units sold out", not of "units sold". It shows the opposite of what the press release claims.
Posted on Reply
This slide is a big ol' pile of BS! I happen to work for a company that builds custom computers and even for us it is difficult to get our hands on the 680 and 690 video cards. Why is this such a big deal you ask? Because companies such as the one I work for and other system builders have priority of components over the retail market such as Newegg and other e-tailer sites. If we can't even hardly get them, then there is a problem! Seems like reviewers are getting them also so that Nvidia can keep the cards in people's minds even though they aren't widely available and in stock.
Posted on Reply
I have one, save your money and buy a 670.. Or get the 690.. The 680 is almost pointless unless you game at high res..
Posted on Reply
Here you go. A post I made on the 24th/25th site time.
XzibitSince I havent seen any updated news.

Nvidia Investors meeting was today

The Tesla will be available in Q4 2012. No mention of the GeForce line.
WoW quoting myself :laugh:

05/24/12 GeForce / DT - Jeff Fisher

The official slides. Its 13 of 30. Kind of happy my spelling is on par with Nvidias.

Seams to be PC Perspective had GTC info and Investor info and was try'n to get a clarification and the Nvidia rep he got was still in Investor woo'ing mode.
Posted on Reply
I think they had slightly lower yield, just not by much 5-15% and the rest have been sold out. Still I would rather get a 670.
Posted on Reply
Lets compare ~550mm² to ~300mm²...big success!
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
here we go :slap:

Any ways glad to see Nvidia pull the socks up this round. :toast:

It's time for a switch this round! bye bye 6990 :)
Posted on Reply
NkdBullshit, I don't believe that they are so damn popular that they are still hard to find after over 2 months of launch. Seriously if anyone believes this they are just being fanboys. I am sure they are popular but to believe that they are hard to find because they are getting sold out is bullshit. I work in retail channel and these things are non existent, place an order for 10 and you get allocation of 1 if you are lucky.

Yes they are popular and I mean very popular but to say that the reason we can't find them is because of demand is bullshit.
I couldn't agree more. AMD made 3 different chips (77,78 and 79 series) and all of them are available now. Nvidia made only one and it's still hard to find. This supply-demand story is BS.

Either Nvidia is having yield issues or Jen Hsun Huang has a dog that only eats 28nm silicon chips.:banghead:
Posted on Reply
MxPhenom 216
ASIC Engineer
XzibitNvidia on NASDAQ

Just do a historical 3 year-to-date look up on the stock price. Let me know if you need your hand held or if you find the Nasdaq an unreliable source. ;)

Maybe I just got trolled :banghead:

Did quote the wrong year for 580. its 2010 not the 09, doh!
11/09/2010 - 12.59
12/23/2010 - 14.92

Still had a stock 2 point gain during that release as oppose to a 2 point loss currently with 680

While i'm at it..

The original Article/OP linked is not a source. They are refering to publish reports made at GTC and citing them as a back and forth conversation they had with Nvidia themselves.
there we go. Always nice to have a source behind the facts :)
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Overclocked quantum bit
I'm gonna take the Charlie D approach and proclaim that this is proof positive that the chip is unmanufacturable! :laugh:
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Big Member
BenetanegiaTSMC shortage is NOT a secret, that's your main culprit right there...

This combined with the excellent demand and your cards end up being out of stock all the time. It's simple man.
That wasn't the culprit. It was AMD having initial priority at TSMC.
Posted on Reply
My name is Dave
TheMailMan78That wasn't the culprit. It was AMD having initial priority at TSMC.
That's a moot point right now, news post from like two weeks ago said Nvidia now had priority @ TSMC. So, in about three more weeks, there should be a flood of GTX670's and GTX680's to the market.

thing is, nVidia sells to partners, not to users, so retail stock levels have no part of this news post. Nvidia has a tonne of chips coming, and they are all sold partners. Sounds great, but AMD did the same thing, on the same process, last quarter. AMD just failed in marketing. :laugh:

BTW, Qualcomm has openly and publiclly stated that there are no issues for them on 28nm..the problem for most of TSMC's partners right now is a lack of available wafer starts.
Posted on Reply
Big Member
cadavecaThat's a moot point right now, news post from like two weeks ago said Nvidia now had priority @ TSMC. So, in about three more weeks, there should be a flood of GTX670's and GTX680's to the market.

thing is, nVidia sells to partners, not to users, so retail stock levels have no part of this news post. Nvidia has a tonne of chips coming, and they are all sold partners. Sounds great, but AMD did the same thing, on the same process, last quarter. AMD just failed in marketing. :laugh:

BTW, Qualcomm has openly and publiclly stated that there are no issues for them on 28nm..the problem for most of TSMC's partners right now is a lack of available wafer starts.
Its a moot point now.....I know. I was saying to BEGIN WITH it was a lack of time at the fab. Not any issues with the fab itself as Benetanegia suggested.
Posted on Reply
v12dockPeople are still going on about the mid-range chip thing? Its a name
No, it was a sarcastic remark towards all those that named it so...
eddmanLOL, 680 launched March 22; just 10 days before Q1's end.
Yep, they're late again, what's new? And remember how they didn't paper-launch?

NOTICE: sarcasm has been used again.
Nkd[...] but to believe that they are hard to find because they are getting sold out is bullshit [...]
This has a certain truth to it, because nv managed to get only a few working chips out, lower numbers means weak distribution and thus they get sold out because in this case even a little bit of demand makes and impact. Where I live out of 30, 17 are available, don't know how many they do have of each, maybe just one or two and then there are our wages which don't allow many to buy them.
mastrdrverQualcomm and AMD have not said they can't get enough wafer starts to meet demand. Only nVidia has made this statement.
That might be because they gave up on some wafer starts and TSMC allotted them to apple if I remember right. Apparently dear leader wasn't happy with wafer pricing considering yield. Ouch!...

In this light how can the marketing team not use lots of images, graphs and what not? Might go well with investors.
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