Monday, August 27th 2012

AMD "Vishera" FX-Series CPU Specifications Confirmed
A leaked AMD document for retail partners spelled out specifications of the first three FX "Vishera" processors by AMD. The new CPUs incorporate AMD's "Piledriver" architecture, and much like the first-generation "Zambezi" chips, will launch as one each of eight-core, six-core, and four-core chips. The eight-core FX-8350 is confirmed to ship with 4.00 GHz nominal clock speed, with 4.20 GHz TurboCore speed. The six-core FX-6300 ships with 3.50 GHz nominal, and 4.10 GHz TurboCore speed. The quad-core FX-4320, on the other hand, ships with the same clock speeds as the FX-8350. In addition, the document confirmed clock speeds of several socket FM2 A-series APUs, such as the A10-5700 and the A8-5500.
493 Comments on AMD "Vishera" FX-Series CPU Specifications Confirmed
Of course, I could very well be wrong, but who knows. Overall pwoer consumption soulhd decrease, while perforamcne increases overall. The APUs have the benefit of being able to show increase from both CPU adn GPU design hcanges, while future CPUs will only have the core changes to rely on, which has me far mroe excited for APUs, anyway.
ruleroadmap update.Poor compared to any equally priced Intel offering, and a step back in performance from the last generation of chips in all except a few specific benchmarks and applications.
On the server side it isn't much better with their "server" chip.
AMD has the issue of promising great things and underwhelmingly falling short of even the smallest semblance of those ideas, now their APU series is good for laptops and light weight gaming, but not much else. Now they are talking about "fabric" and all of a sudden they are trying to leverage hardware to run software they hasn't been built, and won't until someone see the need, or pays for it, and historically they won't. And by the time the performance need catches up with the production of such hardware and software the performance of the CPU may overtake what is reasonably needed, thus creating the void AMD keeps falling into.
Famous for creating hardware with functions that aren't needed to run software that doesn't exist, to fill a self proclaimed need, only to later ignore it. AMD, yep, that's us.
That pretty much sums this up Folks.
You better get use to it.
Some surprise there's no mention of desktop Steamroller in a presentation about plans for HSA family.
There will be a desktop non-APU Steamroller as long as there's an enterprise non-APU Steamroller in the pipe.
Why was it not mentioned at all then, in any of their presentations?
They did not even show what they have coming up with vishera piledriver.
Now you can fall on the floor and start crying. :roll:
2. Desktop Steamroller is not part of any of the categories above
3. You said it, wonder why upcoming desktop Piledriver (Vishera) was not mentioned, either. Strange is it not?
Relax, no need to take this as emotionally as you do.
Doesn't this tell you something?
Lats time i checked, previous presentation was all about the same things and they have not mentioned anything about performance desktop cpus. Finally someone jumped up and asked them and they responded to that not very warmly. I mean two times in a row????
I think that tells me something.
a new intel PR bumphlet about,,,,,,,,,,,,,;) ,,,,,,Harnessing the potential of the gpu to increase application performance:eek::wtf:, intel must be about to close and fall apart and stop selling cpus after all ive not seen a chart for intel past 2020, the end is comeing:p
As you can see it as a flat wheel maybe something appends that was not his fault?
But then again the guy seems drunk?
Anyway punching a guy for that is stupid the best thing to do is get in the "bulldozer" & take the key out so the guy can't go anywhere & wait for police to get there , sad seeing how we still not civilize...
Cars can be replace we all do have insurance for that sort of thing...
Back on topic , I am not hoping for something great on the next gen of bulldozer but lets hope it will be at least 15% (25% be better) more performance across the board that would be at least a step forward...
"use of GPGPU in that space may be a few years away"
So always AMD is ahead of time and they fail. The thing is what do we use now.
And the bulldozer idea was a stupid idea. Tell me how many software and apps have used this arc until now or even games?
I don't understand fanboys. You want AMD to fail, yet you don't understand the ramifications.
Intel has already slowed down innovation. Pretty soon they will be back to their old ways of charging premium prices for marginal upgrades.
If that happens, the consumer loses.
I don't want AMD to fail, no one does. We just grow tired of their bullshit. Call it what it is, and stop trying to dress it up, its fine if they want to sell bulldozer as the worlds fastest 8 core as its the only one, its fine if they want to tout their few wins, but this whole new technology that never materializes is utter crap and is the cause for many to never purchase their hardware again.
3D gates and 22nm, Knights Corner...... yeah, slowing down.
i really should try ignoreing your trolling but, intel were first to have an on chip vga component,,, intel were way before Amd fitting Fpu units in chips but behind them in x64 so whos best, neither , your way behind the whole concept of progress, and adoption rates,,,
when everybodys carrying around a quadcore cpu with quad core gpu/gpgpu in their pockets and laptop bags there wont be the issue of who will benefit and what software will use it as it will start to become the norm, and thats not far off in the west, progress happens quicker then you think sometimes ,look at gpu's and soundcards for that matter, literally burst into being the norm from not even existing, you kids sometimes:p
Another thing has me perplexed, how is a chip thats on par with and sometimes better then a 2600K bad anyway, its a tock + to intel , and a stepping + to AMD , isnt it a bit unreasonable to expect it to beat ivy bridge , i certainly wasnt expecting that, and i love the importance people put on IPC these days , since if they went by the good old time standards of how does it game and do word processing/ photo editing a 5800K APU would piss a 3770K in some benchmarks(clearly soley using onboard gpu/igpu) :p
Well that is why i want AMD out of the way already. They are just flooding the market with useless products. They have no competition at all against intel in any market. They are not doing any good to us "consumers". And all this is due to the fact they have decided to go "cheap" a long time ago and they are still cheap on making cpus. With AMD out of the way, the world would be a better place.
I think they should just hand over the x86 licences they have to someone else who knows how to design chips. "Sooner the better"
You have no idea of what you are talking about.
When you say that Microsoft is holding back the industry, i should have probably stopped from reading any further.