Monday, August 27th 2012

AMD "Vishera" FX-Series CPU Specifications Confirmed
A leaked AMD document for retail partners spelled out specifications of the first three FX "Vishera" processors by AMD. The new CPUs incorporate AMD's "Piledriver" architecture, and much like the first-generation "Zambezi" chips, will launch as one each of eight-core, six-core, and four-core chips. The eight-core FX-8350 is confirmed to ship with 4.00 GHz nominal clock speed, with 4.20 GHz TurboCore speed. The six-core FX-6300 ships with 3.50 GHz nominal, and 4.10 GHz TurboCore speed. The quad-core FX-4320, on the other hand, ships with the same clock speeds as the FX-8350. In addition, the document confirmed clock speeds of several socket FM2 A-series APUs, such as the A10-5700 and the A8-5500.
493 Comments on AMD "Vishera" FX-Series CPU Specifications Confirmed
Piledriver = Improve Power Efficiency and Performance over Bulldozer.
Steamroller = Further improve Power Efficiency and Performance over Piledriver.
The way I read this is Bulldozer was suppose to be this future Steamroller :confused: :D
They will focus highly more on power efficiency and execution.
Its more server oriented and apu's of course. Nothing to do with the enthusiasts market.
Said slide:
Of course, we should take this with a gigantic grain of salt.
Are you into apu's? First of all there is no road map at all for dedicated desktop cpus.
This is all for servers and apu's.
Beside the integrated GPU part since the article I quoted mention nothing about it.
FACOC AC 0825FPM on my 945BE chip...
Also, my chip is NOT an "ES", it's full retail. If it was "ES", then you're right, it wouldn't mean much.
Nearly all the staff at AMD back then(Phenom II days) are gone, and there is definitely a bunch of new faces on the executive side. While doing "the same old thing" may be OK with you, I do expect more from AMD under the new leadership, and things like not having enough chips to meet demand, as has happened recently with AMD, are just not acceptable.
AMD, at financial briefings, has more than once admitted they just simply cannot produce chips fast enough. They are selling each and every one. They might not be the best performance-wise, but they are in very high demand, for servers, desktops, and portable PCs. A company with such high demand must continually evolve in my books, and if they are just simply going to release the same chip they've been capable of making for the past 8 months, as shown by my own sample, then I fear for AMD's ability to capaitalize on the technology they have access to.
Like what you had, and what I have now...doesn't matter. Physical things. I do motherboard reviews, got a chip. Many other reviewers did too ,and they have posted reviews some time ago. But behind the scenes, there is far more to AMD than most consider, I think, and this may be part of AMD's downfall. They have morphed into being more transparent in what they do, but not enough.
Liek really, I think that this info that spawn this news posting should have been released by AMD themselves, directly, rather than by the channels it did. There's nothing for them to anyone expecting big gains from Piledriver is going to be sorely mistaken. AMD is talknig about Steamroller, now, because that's the really interesting chip..the rest of AMD's products are just biding time while they mint 'em. :p
Desktops may be somewhat shrinking but there's still a strong PC gaming presence (Thanks to Steam) and so desktops aren't going aywhere anytime soon.
There is no mention at all for desktop products. The only thing that it says its talking about HSA, servers and APU's that are joining the server market.
They are planning to go full APU in all the markets. Desktops and Servers included.
That's all folks. Honestly i am not kidding.
Pretty much it will be the same thing in performance as Piledriver.
I am going to sound like a bad person but i really hope they fail soon to get over and done with this management at AMD. Its leading nowhere. I am afraid that this would be the final hit at AMD but this is where things lead to. I really hope AMD has one more chance at it but with other management and not the current one.
oh and see my first comment,ie Enthusiast Cpu's will all have a gpu soon enough regardless of your short sighted opinion.
Or if your going to keep this stupid ass opinion then at least hate on Intel and Nvidia too, as Nvidias future Maxwell is a Gpu centric chip WITH a processor built in (allegged) and they deffinately are makeing project denver, essentially an Arm / kepler(afaik??) APU, intel are already onit as i said.
I did not call you stupid, apparently you have.
There is no point and meaning discussing this with you any further.
also i was not giving an opinion, I was telling you what is going on now in the industry.
Have a nice day ;)
Stop with the gimmicks, your not fooling anyone, ESPECIALLY in the enthusiast market where we are... enthusiastsss. the concept of BD and PD cores are "cool" to an extent but what i really want is just raw power, stop playing games AMD, i want you to make the most efficient CORE that you can and throw 4-8 of them on a single chip. no cutting corners, no sharrrrring between "cores" just make a core as best you can and throw multiple on a chip and sell that bad boy! i'd buy 2 of em day one if they just did things the right way
sorry for the rant but it just doesn't make sense what they are doing... they are trying to compete with hyperthreading (a program essentially) by making twice the cores and then chopping out certain components, this just seems like a bad idea to begin with
ill still buy a PD when they release but only because i have a rock solid 990fx board and need an upgrade and can't afford the ridiculous prices of Intel
When you said about "less" the more proper word to use is "cheap". They decided to go cheap and that hasn't changed one bit.
by the way your arguments are so random ,why bring up core speed, Amd have the fastest user stock frequency comercially available, and also a max cpu frequency world record, also the highest stock graphics frequency btw.
retort add nauseum:P
What is your current specs of your pc?
If you still have that 960T in your rig, why did you not upgrade to the fx series cpu? I know the answer but i was just curious. LoL
And what is the performance per clock ratio of that frequency you are talking about?
And you also forgot to mention how much power consumption those cpus have once they are overclocked.