Thursday, October 25th 2012

No Service Pack 2 for Windows 7: Report

Microsoft has no plans to release a new service pack (SP) for Windows 7. Sources at Microsoft's engineering team told The Register that breaking precedent (of releasing a new SP every 2 or so years), Microsoft will not release SP2 (service pack 2) for the operating system. Apart from being a collection of important software updates over a period, a service pack allows Microsoft to introduce major updates to key components of the operating system, such as its kernel. Apparently, Microsoft's Windows team is too busy with Windows 8, and it is observed that by choosing to not release an SP, Microsoft could be pushing users to its newer OS. Instead of newer SPs for Windows 7, Microsoft will release timely updates for Windows 7 SP1 over Windows Update, till the operating system's support lifetime runs out (that's January 2020).
Source: The Register
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98 Comments on No Service Pack 2 for Windows 7: Report

Big Member
I don't see a point in more service packs for windows 7. Its rock solid as is. Just keep up with the security patches and its good to go.
Posted on Reply
Windows 8 is ludicrously stable, so everyone should really stop their whining about 8 being junk. It's 7 with a facelift, not "Windows completely redesigned" as Microsoft keeps putting it. Give it one week and you'll be at home using it. To be honest it's more stable than 7 to begin with.
Posted on Reply
btarunrPoint being?
uhm did you click it??? it is all the updates for Xp to 7 on one disc,Why need a sp2 for 7 when most will go this route,I bet not many will of heard of this ISO.This is how most guys will update WIn7 from now on.
eidairaman1hey 5 DVDs seem to still be a lil faster than waiting for the net to download then uncompress the downloaded files so they can just install.
I read on the site a bit more... It is one 3.3 gig disc.When new ones come out they will update the dvd.Still better then waiting and praying the connection don`t disco on you.

By the way here is Oct 9th update dvd.
Posted on Reply
A redistributable SP of the current updates after SP1 would be nice as there are a fair few now.
Posted on Reply
Very bad news.
Fuck you, Microsoft!
Posted on Reply
Do you guys think 7 will get a dx11.1 update?
Posted on Reply
scope54Do you guys think 7 will get a dx11.1 update?
That's why I am hoping for a service pack. To do major updates such as this. Also why the hell did they turn off the gadgets? That bummed me out. I cannot download anymore gadgets for Win 7. Say's they are focusing on Win 8. :wtf:
Posted on Reply
you know what, . . . . . . don't care windows 7 is very very stable now(hell it was at launch)

windows vista was unstable but usable
windows 7 was(windows vista+)
windows 8 is(windows 7+)

therefore don't care

when cards that support dx11.1 come out Microsoft will release an update for it
Posted on Reply
One word. Linux.

(ok, that was three words...but you know what I mean)
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
I do not think that window7 needs any more SP at all. Very stable very reliable. the only reason XP and vista needed them so bad is because they were unstable. JMHO.
I say NO. No need for any more SP just send me the updates.
Posted on Reply
tricksonI do not think that window7 needs any more SP at all. Very stable very reliable. the only reason XP and vista needed them so bad is because they were unstable. JMHO.
I say NO. No need for any more SP just send me the updates.
Yeah I agree, it's not something critical that you need.Service pack is just a pack of all previous updates. I does allow you to install everything faster but you get there either way.

But it does leave a bad taste to me, it's pushing me further and further from even thinking about getting Win 8.
windows 8 is(windows 7+)

therefore don't care

when cards that support dx11.1 come out Microsoft will release an update for it
Windows 8 is Windows 7-.

AFAIK HD 7xxx series support DX11.1
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Wile E
Power User
I doubt 7 will be getting new features, so this is basically just an inconvenience on fresh installs.

They should at least do an SP2, just as a roll up of all the previous updates to make life easier, but it's not that big of a deal.
Posted on Reply
scope54Do you guys think 7 will get a dx11.1 update?
No, it won't but it doesn't matter anyways. The only improvements that are added in 11.1 are only pertinent for Windows 8. It adds better HWA for the UI and such. It makes absolutely no difference in games and to get that same kind of HWA improvements for the Windows 7 UI would require an entire rewrite; which of course Microsoft is not going to do for Windows 7 because they already had to do that once for Windows 8.

Microsoft has never backported features before, I don't know why people expect they will now. Windows XP never got DX10.
Posted on Reply
Solidstate89Windows Vista never got DX11, Windows XP never got DX10.
Wrong, Vista has DX11, and why not include DX11.1 in Windows 7? Everyone payed quite a lot for it and I think it would be nice to get the new things.
Posted on Reply
Solidstate89No, it won't but it doesn't matter anyways. The only improvements that are added in 11.1 are only pertinent for Windows 8. It adds better HWA for the UI and such. It makes absolutely no difference in games and to get that same kind of HWA improvements for the Windows 7 UI would require an entire rewrite; which of course Microsoft is not going to do for Windows 7 because they already had to do that once for Windows 8.

Microsoft has never backported features before, I don't know why people expect they will now. Windows Vista never got DX11, Windows XP never got DX10.
Theres always the hope they will wisen up.
Posted on Reply
Wile EI doubt 7 will be getting new features, so this is basically just an inconvenience on fresh installs.

They should at least do an SP2, just as a roll up of all the previous updates to make life easier, but it's not that big of a deal.
Actually there is something one can do to get around this inconvenience as there doesn't seem to be a SP2 on its way. It is possible to learn how to copy the OS (in a .iso or equivalent), integrate all the latest updates (using appropiate software) into the OS and essentially make your own SP2 Windows 7 disk at the end of the process.

Theoretically it shouldn't be illegal as it doesn't modify the activation mechanisms and all you are doing is preloading updates, but knowing Microsoft they probably made sure it is (probably through the fact you shouldn't copy your disk).

Still this is a good alternative and is probably the only available solution unless you really want to spend a few hours doing "timely" updates, but as it is something considered illegal it's something that users have to do at their own risk unfortunately.
Posted on Reply
repman244Wrong, Vista has DX11, and why not include DX11.1 in Windows 7? Everyone payed quite a lot for it and I think it would be nice to get the new things.
So it does!

And I already explained why - because it can't even take advantage of Direct X 11.1 to begin with. It has more to do with the underlying OS than any software or game support.
Posted on Reply
Solidstate89So it does!

And I already explained why - because it can't even take advantage of Direct X 11.1 to begin with. It has more to do with the underlying OS than any software or game support.
Yes, but I don't think that they would have to take advantage for all of those things. I don't know a lot about DX and it's OS integration but couldn't they at least squeeze some of the features it brings (they are more or less unimportant but still).
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
fusionbluActually there is something one can do to get around this inconvenience as there doesn't seem to be a SP2 on its way. It is possible to learn how to copy the OS (in a .iso or equivalent), integrate all the latest updates (using appropiate software) into the OS and essentially make your own SP2 Windows 7 disk at the end of the process.

Theoretically it shouldn't be illegal as it doesn't modify the activation mechanisms and all you are doing is preloading updates, but knowing Microsoft they probably made sure it is (probably through the fact you shouldn't copy your disk).

Still this is a good alternative and is probably the only available solution unless you really want to spend a few hours doing "timely" updates, but as it is something considered illegal it's something that users have to do at their own risk unfortunately.
You can use vlite to do that. You have to know which updates you need though. And if you don't do it just right, it sometimes breaks things, like being able to use Windows Update.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
eidairaman1hey 5 DVDs seem to still be a lil faster than waiting for the net to download then uncompress the downloaded files so they can just install.
It is actually only one DVD.

Honestly, as long they keep this DVD updated I have no problem with not having another SP. What good is an SP, it isn't necessary if it isn't going to introduce any new features?

People are acting like Win7 is going to not function anymore without another service pack. It will still work just fine, you just have to download all the updates or use the DVD if you re-format. I'd prefer they at least release a stand alone update roll-up package, but I guess that is basically what the DVD is for.
Posted on Reply
Wile EYou can use vlite to do that. You have to know which updates you need though. And if you don't do it just right, it sometimes breaks things, like being able to use Windows Update.
True that is the part why you do it at your own risk, and I'm familiar with getting ahold of the right updates and using vlite, although I know of an older method of integrating updates through CMD/ Command Prompt. :D
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Big Member
newtekie1It is actually only one DVD.

Honestly, as long they keep this DVD updated I have no problem with not having another SP. What good is an SP, it isn't necessary if it isn't going to introduce any new features?

People are acting like Win7 is going to not function anymore without another service pack. It will still work just fine, you just have to download all the updates or use the DVD if you re-format. I'd prefer they at least release a stand alone update roll-up package, but I guess that is basically what the DVD is for.
Logic has been on vacation on TPU for a while now, except for a few old timers.
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Wile E
Power User
fusionbluTrue that is the part why you do it at your own risk, and I'm familiar with getting ahold of the right updates and using vlite, although I know of an older method of integrating updates through CMD/ Command Prompt. :D
Yeah, I can do that too, I just like my nice shiny GUI instead. lol.
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The Exiled Airman
TheMailMan78Logic has been on vacation on TPU for a while now, except for a few old timers.
when did you ever have logic ;)

:laugh: just playin dude
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MxPhenom 216
ASIC Engineer
Windows 7 doesn't need an SP2.
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