Thursday, October 25th 2012

No Service Pack 2 for Windows 7: Report

Microsoft has no plans to release a new service pack (SP) for Windows 7. Sources at Microsoft's engineering team told The Register that breaking precedent (of releasing a new SP every 2 or so years), Microsoft will not release SP2 (service pack 2) for the operating system. Apart from being a collection of important software updates over a period, a service pack allows Microsoft to introduce major updates to key components of the operating system, such as its kernel. Apparently, Microsoft's Windows team is too busy with Windows 8, and it is observed that by choosing to not release an SP, Microsoft could be pushing users to its newer OS. Instead of newer SPs for Windows 7, Microsoft will release timely updates for Windows 7 SP1 over Windows Update, till the operating system's support lifetime runs out (that's January 2020).
Source: The Register
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98 Comments on No Service Pack 2 for Windows 7: Report

The Exiled Airman
H82LUZ73eidairaman1 second reply
Yes just find a good solid ISO and use the box key you already have...Just make sure the hash numbers match mine and the name of the iso.....
So youre saying the Key isnt tied to that specific OS disk because i recall it being that way in the day.
Posted on Reply
eidairaman1So youre saying the Key isnt tied to that specific OS disk because i recall it being that way in the day.
Yes just make sure you check the hash md5 check to the ones posted at MS ...Which version you running anyways,I could get the hash numbers to you in pm.

Your key will work on just the version you have say you had 7 home it will still work with the 7 home sp1 dvd iso ...x32 and x64


I was seeing it your way just put it into terms that some will understand and think about the 25% performance from a driver update that Wizz said would never happen during his Win8 performance testing.......
Posted on Reply
I play games
When will Microsoft realize that Windows 8 sucks and Windows 7 is the better OS
Posted on Reply
lyndonguitarWhen will Microsoft realize that Windows 8 sucks and Windows 7 is the better OS
think about the 25% performance from a driver update that Wizz said would never happen during his Win8 performance testing.......

See what I mean Wile.....They just want to bash 8 for not having a START Menu ...yet if they turn the sidebar gadgets on in Vista/7 they are using 8 already.........they look at it but can not see it right in front of them.......
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
H82LUZ73think about the 25% performance from a driver update that Wizz said would never happen during his Win8 performance testing.......

See what I mean Wile.....They just want to bash 8 for not having a START Menu ...yet if they turn the sidebar gadgets on in Vista/7 they are using 8 already.........they look at it but can not see it right in front of them.......
Ahhh, agreeing with me then. OK.

And I dislike 8's interface as well, but I do acknowledge it's a damn good OS.
Posted on Reply
The Exiled Airman
H82LUZ73think about the 25% performance from a driver update that Wizz said would never happen during his Win8 performance testing.......

See what I mean Wile.....They just want to bash 8 for not having a START Menu ...yet if they turn the sidebar gadgets on in Vista/7 they are using 8 already.........they look at it but can not see it right in front of them.......
PM sent
Posted on Reply
Wile EAhhh, agreeing with me then. OK.

And I dislike 8's interface as well, but I do acknowledge it's a damn good OS.
Yeah it takes a week to get over the learning curve ( will help them more if they use gadgets sidebar ),But it grows on you.Win7 is and still is a great OS ..Just wish I could find the post from it three years ago same thing.....wonder how many that bashed it then are using it now.
Posted on Reply
The Exiled Airman
H82LUZ73Yeah it takes a week to get over the learning curve ( will help them more if they use gadgets sidebar ),But it grows on you.Win7 is and still is a great OS ..Just wish I could find the post from it three years ago same thing.....wonder how many that bashed it then are using it now.
its odd i didnt bash 7 like i did vista, course i went right from XP to 7
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
H82LUZ73Yeah it takes a week to get over the learning curve ( will help them more if they use gadgets sidebar ),But it grows on you.Win7 is and still is a great OS ..Just wish I could find the post from it three years ago same thing.....wonder how many that bashed it then are using it now.
I've been using 8 since the Consumer Preview. I still hate the interface. Just isn't compatible with my work style. But again, it's a good OS. Just not for me right now. I'd like to get a touch screen, or at least more interface options, before I make the switch.

But not getting another SP for 7 certainly isn't forcing me to switch. It honestly has no effect on my decision.
Posted on Reply
lyndonguitarWhen will Microsoft realize that Windows 8 sucks and Windows 7 is the better OS
H82LUZ73think about the 25% performance from a driver update that Wizz said would never happen during his Win8 performance testing.......

See what I mean Wile.....They just want to bash 8 for not having a START Menu ...yet if they turn the sidebar gadgets on in Vista/7 they are using 8 already.........they look at it but can not see it right in front of them.......
Sorry, but, where the h*ll did you see that lyndonguitar bashed windows 8 for not having a start menu (you quoted lyndonguitar's post).
You really need to quit trolling and doing your hallelujah Windows 8 evangelistic preaching trying to convert the unfaithful (as you see it), and read what they post.
Some just don't like the da*n thing for there own reasons and don't want to use it.
And, it ain't got nothing to do with the F**king START BUTTON or MENU!

This is a thread about "No Service Pack 2 for Windows 7: Report", not "Love Windows 8, Stop Hatin' NO Start Menu and CONVERT by H82LUZ73"
You have repeated the same vomit in every thread that has any mention of Windows 7 or 8.

I am so happy you love Windows 8... :rolleyes:; however, you need to quit bashing others who don't.

On topic:

I still want MS to put out SP2 complete roll-up... it is needed IMO... by, the general masses that have low/no bandwidth or bandwidth limited/capped, those who don't do anything but plug and play, are not advanced PC users & don't care about how to build this or create that, the few businesses that need the update SP, and all the other customers who want it.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
Wile EThere's no reason that kernel changes or other major updates have to be done in a Service Pack. They can do those in regular patches as well.
I'm not saying they can't, I'm just saying they don't. They reserve big changes like that for service packs because the there are extra precautions and warnings put in place that allow them to make bigger changes.
Wile EI'm with newtekie on this? How is this forcing you to 8? 7 is still fully supported, and will still get regular updates. You just aren't going to get them in a single package. But you will still get them all.

Sure, it might make misinformed people think they have to switch, but those of us with a little knowledge know that simply isn't true.
Actually, I would say that this will have 0 effect on the misinformed. This isn't news that is making headlines on CNN, Microsoft isn't announcing this in every commercial. It is largely going to go totally unnoticed by the misinformed.

Most of the public couldn't care less about service packs. They generally don't even check to make sure automatic updates are even working properly. There are still an insane number of people that haven't even installed SP1. This isn't going to force anyone to upgrade to Win8.
Posted on Reply
95ViperI am so happy you love Windows 8... :rolleyes:; however, you need to quit bashing others who don't.
Sure thing buddy...when I see a truly good and valid reason, technical or otherwise, to be such a major detractor/hater.
95ViperSome just don't like the da*n thing for there own reasons and don't want to use it.
Thanks for helping prove my point with your own (mispelled) words. :rolleyes:

P.S. There is no profanity filter at TPU.
Posted on Reply
WrigleyvillainSure thing buddy...when I see a truly good and valid reason, technical or otherwise, to be such a major detractor/hater.

Thanks for helping prove my point with your own (mispelled) words. :rolleyes:

P.S. There is no profanity filter at TPU.
The post was not directed at you, buddy.
My spelling is fine; and, you need the spelling lessons... it is spelled, "misspelled" .

And, I don't care about profanity filters... I will post the way I post.
Asterisks and all.
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
WOW really? Really? All this for what? Really! WOW go with 8 stay with 7! Do what YOU want to! STOP the HATE people it is just an OS!

Man, Sounds like a bunch of second graders. Check your spelling and all this hate! Where is it coming from?

Face facts there is nothing you can do but chose what YOU want and stick with it. MAN!
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
WrigleyvillainSure thing buddy...when I see a truly good and valid reason, technical or otherwise, to be such a major detractor/hater.

Thanks for helping prove my point with your own (mispelled) words. :rolleyes:

P.S. There is no profanity filter at TPU.
Personal preference IS a valid reason. For instance, I'm not switching to 8 because the interface just doesn't work for me or suit my needs. That doesn't mean it's a bad os, it just means it's not for me. That's a perfectly valid reason.
Posted on Reply
tricksonWOW really? Really? All this for what? Really! WOW go with 8 stay with 7! Do what YOU want to! STOP the HATE people it is just an OS!

Man, Sounds like a bunch of second graders. Check your spelling and all this hate! Where is it coming from?

Face facts there is nothing you can do but chose what YOU want and stick with it. MAN!
Well look who's talking.
Posted on Reply
Edit - nm wrong tab.
Posted on Reply
Am I NOT allowed to Voice MY opinion in these forum's Like anyone else? It seems as though that IS the Case here currently. Because When I Voiced >>>MY OPINION<<< in regard's to the Fact that I WANT TO STAY with 7, it is Criticized!!? I stated CLEARLY , that if there was No effect on service to Win 7 , that I simply Wouldn't Care about the absence of SP2,3 ,4,999,or whatever. ALL I Stated was that If I WAS being Pushed to Move on , that I Would be upset. Please READ before you Reply , a Hostile Forum environment is Nothing but ignorance , or the lack of respect for OTHERS opinions. Clearly I took the time to Read your Post , why Not do others the SAME courtesy?
>>H@rdStuff<<Sorry to "ACT like THIS"
>>evilman<< If it Suits me I will use it till 2020
>>Trickson<< T/Y 4 your Support of FREE SPEECH
>>To the Rest Of the Haters of FREE SPEECH<< Maybe a FORUM is NOT FORU
Best Regards to you either way.
Posted on Reply
jboydgolferAm I NOT allowed to Voice MY opinion in these forum's Like anyone else? It seems as though that IS the Case here currently. Because When I Voiced >>>MY OPINION<<< in regard's to the Fact that I WANT TO STAY with 7, it is Criticized!!? I stated CLEARLY , that if there was No effect on service to Win 7 , that I simply Wouldn't Care about the absence of SP2,3 ,4,999,or whatever. ALL I Stated was that If I WAS being Pushed to Move on , that I Would be upset. Please READ before you Reply , a Hostile Forum environment is Nothing but ignorance , or the lack of respect for OTHERS opinions. Clearly I took the time to Read your Post , why Not do others the SAME courtesy?
>>H@rdStuff<<Sorry to "ACT like THIS"
>>evilman<< If it Suits me I will use it till 2020
>>Trickson<< T/Y 4 your Support of FREE SPEECH
>>To the Rest Of the Haters of FREE SPEECH<< Maybe a FORUM is NOT FORU
Best Regards to you either way.
calm down man!
Posted on Reply
Senior Monkey Moderator
jboydgolferAm I NOT allowed to Voice MY opinion in these forum's Like anyone else? It seems as though that IS the Case here currently. Because When I Voiced >>>MY OPINION<<< in regard's to the Fact that I WANT TO STAY with 7, it is Criticized!!? I stated CLEARLY , that if there was No effect on service to Win 7 , that I simply Wouldn't Care about the absence of SP2,3 ,4,999,or whatever. ALL I Stated was that If I WAS being Pushed to Move on , that I Would be upset. Please READ before you Reply , a Hostile Forum environment is Nothing but ignorance , or the lack of respect for OTHERS opinions. Clearly I took the time to Read your Post , why Not do others the SAME courtesy?
>>H@rdStuff<<Sorry to "ACT like THIS"
>>evilman<< If it Suits me I will use it till 2020
>>Trickson<< T/Y 4 your Support of FREE SPEECH
>>To the Rest Of the Haters of FREE SPEECH<< Maybe a FORUM is NOT FORU
Best Regards to you either way.
You are free to express your opinion here.
Of course, everyone else is free to express their opinion on whether they concur or disagree with you. That is not hostility, it's freedom of expression.

After reading though the entire thread, I see nothing that I would consider "hostile" toward you, just dissenting opinions.
Believe me ... we know hostile. We deal with it all the time as moderators.
Posted on Reply
why is this an issue? So instead of downloading a single 300MB file you'll have to download 100 3MB files, what's the difference? And there's the Update Rollup also. This is just a molehill. :shadedshu
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
TRWOVwhy is this an issue? So instead of downloading a single 300MB file you'll have to download 100 3MB files, what's the difference? And there's the Update Rollup also. This is just a molehill. :shadedshu
because some of us are updating more than one machine at a time, and service packs were the quickest and simplest way to do that.
Posted on Reply
People having a legitimate key should be able to download the latest build (including most, if not all, of the latest updates) in a .iso format. Saves a lot of time in the scenario you just described, although it does not work that way in practice AFAIK.
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