Tuesday, November 13th 2012

AMD Looking for a Buyer?

AMD is consulting with JP Morgan Chase & Co., to explore options, that could pull it out of its grim financial situation. These could include a sale. The company is struggling to find itself a role in an industry that's increasingly focused on mobile, away from PCs. On hearing the news, the company stock surged 18 percent before closing for the day at 5 percent up, at $2.09, on the NYSE. Some of these options could include a sale of its portfolio of patents to raise cash. With the emergence of ARM SoC industry, AMD finds itself holding valuable IP that could fetch cash.

In a statement to Reuters, a company spokesperson said: "AMD's board and management believe that the strategy the company is currently pursuing to drive long-term growth by leveraging AMD's highly-differentiated technology assets is the right approach to enhance shareholder value. AMD is not actively pursuing a sale of the company or significant assets at this time." Some analysts believe that AMD will not be able to reverse its decline in time, given the rate at which it's laying off engineers, others add that it might be difficult to buy AMD as a whole, since it's considered to be a "legacy company."
Source: Reuters
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75 Comments on AMD Looking for a Buyer?


AMD says no plan to sell company or assets

Look at the TIME STAMPS. MarketWatch report came after stock market closing while the Reuters report came 2hours after. AMD had already given a statment prior to the 2hrs before stock market closed but Reuters reported the speculation and didnt include AMDs response.

Thats why the stock came back down before market closing.

Jumping the gun. Story was denied before it got published

You'll notice the TIME STAMPS on some the articles below are prior to the Reuters report being published

Fox Business - Advanced Micro Devices Denies It's Exploring a Sale

CNBC - Advanced Micro Says No Plans for Sale: Report

The Wall Street Journal - AMD Says Not for Sale

The Street - AMD Shoots Down Sale Rumors

NASDAQ - Reports: AMD Denies Speculation It Is Exploring Options, Including Sale

Write Up on why its Fake:
The AMD Buyout Rumor: Why It Had To Be Fake
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
I knew it! The end of AMD is near! So many fanboys are now :cry: there eyes out.
Posted on Reply
Everyone should be worried about it. No competition means higher prices and less development. Its a bad sign for computer enthusiasts as a whole. Desktop computers are dying to be replaced with mobile SOC devices.
Posted on Reply
oh shit, this is not good, not good at all. :banghead:
Posted on Reply
Trickson, you seem to ALWAYS post in an AMD thread bashing "fanboys" before any even post...

there is nothing wrong with the products AMD sells, they are just as good as their intel counterparts if not better depending on the task at hand.
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AMD says no plan to sell company or assets
Doubt AMD will be selling out anytime soon.

Personally I like that,m make Intel prices stay lower than they could be, and give options to people that have smaller wallets. (I build Intel rigs all day, but when it comes down to it, I'm an AMD guy at home.)
Posted on Reply
IBM or MS should just grab them. Save long term on consoles at least. IBM already does the cpus so they might as well do the gpus too in a fusion style. Would be entertaining for MS to own the chip maker supplying for the PS4. They'd win either way then.
Posted on Reply
Apple taking them wouldn't be a bad idea, it would get them off Intel (like they want), but I think they said they wanted to transition to ARM instead.
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LAN_deRf_HAIBM or MS should just grab them. Save long term on consoles at least. IBM already does the cpus so they might as well do the gpus too in a fusion style. Would be entertaining for MS to own the chip maker supplying for the PS4. They'd win either way then.
more fun if M$ sell the APUs to APPLE :laugh:
Posted on Reply
No need to worry AMD lovers

Worry if the stock spikes up and stays up

There only 3 companies that could buy AMD (4 if you count Microsoft but FTC wont allow it)

1) Qualcomm - Huge company in mobile and has history old ATI IP rights
2) Samsung - Has its own fabs and tape-outs for Nvidia and manufactures majority of chips for Apple so its likely and best match
3) Google - Has Motorola Mobile and it was a bad buy and possibly looking to sell it
4) Microsoft - Has buyout rights to Nvidia Stock
5) Apple - Long shot since it will be aquiring all its IPs in x86 it would be competing with itself if it decided to purchase
Posted on Reply

AMD says no plan to sell company or assets

AMD Shoots Down Sale Rumors

AMD (AMD) has denied that it's on the block following a media report that the No. 2 chip maker could be be up for sale.
Earlier on Tuesday, Reuters reported that the Austin-based firm has hired JP Morgan Chase (JPM) to explore options, which could include a sale.

Citing unnamed sources, Reuters reported that an outright sale of the company is not a priority, and other options could include a sale of its patent portfolio.
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OH, I have such a headache
Covert_DeathTrickson, you seem to ALWAYS post in an AMD thread bashing "fanboys" before any even post...

there is nothing wrong with the products AMD sells, they are just as good as their intel counterparts if not better depending on the task at hand.
I never said they were not. I am saying that AMD fanboys (NOT YOU) will be :cry: there eyes out.
And I can see they are in panic mode now! :laugh:
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Selling your patent portfolio is close enough to selling your company.
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OH, I have such a headache
DannibusXSelling your patent portfolio is close enough to selling your company.
Yes it is. And with that we may be seeing the end of AMD as we know it. There will be CPU's for every one. Just not with the AMD stamp. :D
Posted on Reply
Super XP
This is just a rumour, besides AMD is pushing FUSION the reason why they bought ATI in the 1st place. They've scored some great contracts such as the PS4 and the next XBOX along with the Wii U. It's over till it's over, and right now its not over, they are in business and should pull out of this mess.
dude12564Apple taking them wouldn't be a bad idea, it would get them off Intel (like they want), but I think they said they wanted to transition to ARM instead.
If Apple ever bought AMD, I would move to Intel. No way I would fork over cash for anything with an Apple logo on it.
tricksonYes it is. And with that we may be seeing the end of AMD as we know it. There will be CPU's for every one. Just not with the AMD stamp. :D
Yes OverPriced Intel CPU's that is.
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
Super XPIf Apple ever bought AMD, I would move to Intel. No way I would fork over cash for anything with an Apple logo on it.

Yes OverPriced Intel CPU's that is.
What are you talking about? Over priced CPU's? From whom? Intel? They would not price them so far above what people can afford that would be counter productive to making money! Get a grip DUDE!
Posted on Reply
Years ago when AMD was racing with Intel to 1GHz I bought some AMD stock. I turned a nice little profit on it when I sold the stock. With some of the profits I built a new system,.....an Intel based system.

I have built and owned some AMD systems since though and they were great.

Naturally I don't want to see AMD fail. I'd much rather see them succeed and make products I want to buy. But that's the problem right there since I haven't seen them make anything I want for quite some time.

For what it's worth I'm not convinced that Intel won't suffer some due to the ARM initiative.

The times, they are a changing,...
Posted on Reply
AMD and Intel both make some great CPUs, some better than the others, same goes for iGPU.

ARM will keep prices in check for Intel if AMD ever goes.
Posted on Reply
Super XP
tricksonWhat are you talking about? Over priced CPU's? From whom? Intel? They would not price them so far above what people can afford that would be counter productive to making money! Get a grip DUDE!
I've got a grip trust me. If AMD went under tomorrow, the only incentive Intel would have to push technology would be to battle ARM, that's it.

Both AMD and Intel created some of the best competition in the PC industry. You don't hear about IBM competing with Intel, no you hear AMD competing. Either way if AMD fails then so will Intel eventually down the line. IMO
Posted on Reply
Super XPI've got a grip trust me. If AMD went under tomorrow, the only incentive Intel would have to push technology would be to battle ARM, that's it.

Both AMD and Intel created some of the best competition in the PC industry. You don't hear about IBM competing with Intel, no you hear AMD competing. Either way if AMD fails then so will Intel eventually down the line. IMO

Intel might have a chance, but they'll lose a lot. ARM has an advantage.

But then, never underestimate intel...
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
Super XPI've got a grip trust me. If AMD went under tomorrow, the only incentive Intel would have to push technology would be to battle ARM, that's it.

Both AMD and Intel created some of the best competition in the PC industry. You don't hear about IBM competing with Intel, no you hear AMD competing. Either way if AMD fails then so will Intel eventually down the line. IMO
How is looking for a buyer failing? You are so deluded if you think that if they sell there will no longer be any AMD CPU's. Man really get a grip. It is not the end of the universe for god sake. Companies buy and sell all the time yet since this is AMD it some how makes them special? What is so special about a business? They are like any other business if they feel that the time is right to sell they will the CEO's will get big fat pay checks and so will the Owner of AMD. Nothing new there.
No you do not have a grip on this at all. You see this as the END and nothing more. The end of the PC industry and the end of technology moving forward. Well my deluded friend you are so wrong.
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What do they mean by "legacy company" ?
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The Exiled Airman
Ibm does compete in server Market.

But Companies Plausible to buy Amd.

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OH, I have such a headache
eidairaman1Ibm does compete in server Market.

But Companies Plausible to buy Amd.

Didn't IBM build Watson? The one that crashed every one on Jeopardy? Hmmmm... A little too much doom and gloom from the AMD fanboys. :cry:
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Buy as much AMD stock is all I can say. if Apple buys them it would be a huge move. I don't think Microsoft will buy them to tell you the truth but ya never know. Apple would be a huge move for them and boost their profits higher.
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