Thursday, February 14th 2013

MSI Outs GeForce GTX 680 Lightning-L Graphics Card
MSI released a slightly slower yet cheaper variant of its GeForce GTX 680 Lightning graphics card, the GTX 680 Lightning-L, in Japan. Identical in every way possible to the original launched back in June 2012, the card features clock speeds of 1019 MHz core, 1084 MHz GPU Boost, and 6008 MHz memory, against the original's 1110 MHz core, 1176 MHz GPU Boost, and 6008 MHz memory; and NVIDIA-reference clock speeds of 1006 MHz core, 1058 MHz GPU Boost, and 6008 MHz memory. Since the components on the card haven't changed, MSI may have created quite some OC headroom for enthusiasts munch on, with their own skills. It remains to be seen if the GTX 680 Lightning-L makes it to other markets.
Hermitage Akihabara
18 Comments on MSI Outs GeForce GTX 680 Lightning-L Graphics Card
Why would they Produce this GPU??
Just to increase the O/C headroom??
Anyway, this is a Japan only release so most of you will never ever see this card.
(thought I'd fish the thread) :p
I can't believe they made another lighting with 2GB's of ram. Wow so disappointing for me. I've used the 680's with 2gb of ram on BF3 and they struggle. Im tired of people being like ya it works great for BF3 im maxed out on Ultra. Its like your frame rate sucks or your just not that fast all the level 100s are running on medium or high. :banghead: When is the 780 coming out???