Thursday, May 15th 2014

AMD Radeon R9 Series Prices Cool Down
AMD stabilized end-user pricing of its Radeon R9 series graphics cards, restoring them to their original launch prices in most cases, and even lower in some. Pricing of most AMD Graphics CoreNext architecture-based GPUs inflated over the past 6 months, due to the frenzy created by Cryptocoin currency miners, who leveraged the chips' GPGPU performance to 'mine' currencies such as Litecoin. Sensing that high prices are driving gamers away from Radeon, AMD swung into action by dealing with the problem at two levels. First, VP Global Channel Sales, Roy Taylor micro-managed the supply chain in China, and next, the company dealt with distributors and retailers.
At the time of preparing this article, most Radeon R9 series-based graphics cards, including high-end ones such as the R9 290X, and non-reference cards, are back to their original price-points on US retailer The R9 290X can now be had for as low as US $519.99 (launch-price $549.99, was inflated to $750), the R9 290 for $379.99 (launched at $399.99, was inflated to $600), the R9 280X as low as $279.99 (launched at $299.99, was inflated to $400); the R9 280 as low as $229.99 (launched at $249.99, was inflated to $280); and the R9 270X at $199.99 (was inflated as high as $250).
At the time of preparing this article, most Radeon R9 series-based graphics cards, including high-end ones such as the R9 290X, and non-reference cards, are back to their original price-points on US retailer The R9 290X can now be had for as low as US $519.99 (launch-price $549.99, was inflated to $750), the R9 290 for $379.99 (launched at $399.99, was inflated to $600), the R9 280X as low as $279.99 (launched at $299.99, was inflated to $400); the R9 280 as low as $229.99 (launched at $249.99, was inflated to $280); and the R9 270X at $199.99 (was inflated as high as $250).
51 Comments on AMD Radeon R9 Series Prices Cool Down
The Markup was disheartening and frankly disgusting,....IMO.
Well, might have an effect on Nvidia prices but doubt it.
Despite having three fans, their radiators or specifically the ribs are in vertical direction which means that when the fan blows, the hot air spreads in the case, instead of having those ribs in horizontal direction leading the hot air out of the case...
Walter Jeremiah Sanders III
Anyways, first goodness and values and then damn humans. :)
I wonder when we will see this materialize in India...
Pricing started to drop about beginning of April, but still sporadic with many retailers not wanting to believe the situation had moved. However in the last 2 weeks things have been getting crazy… Yesterday Egg had the Sapphire 290X Tri-X for $495 with code while no rebate! The Sapphire R9 280 has for a few days been at $200 after code and $10 rebate; even TigerD had the Diamond R9270XD52GXOCV2 R9 270X for $165 –AR$10.
Back to status normal citizens... meaning yes Nvidia will now need to cease their lucrative margins and compete, yea right!
Im currently looking at Ebay for used 290x :clap::peace:
If you could get from Newegg, they have open box for as low as $364: The good thing there is you have a 30 day return for refund.
Here's where it gets tricky... make sure you find an auction that clearly states the item is in "perfect working condition" in the description. If you end up filing a case with eBay, the item description when sold will be how they judge the difference between what you bought and what is described. And could make the difference between getting a refund or not.
Hope all that helps!
Oh, and the caveat is that South Korean laws may be more or less stringent, I dunno. Think it varies state by state here in the US.