Monday, October 27th 2014

AMD Outs Catalyst 14.9.2 Beta Drivers
AMD rolled out its second beta-marked Catalyst drivers, since its late-September Catalyst 14.9 WHQL, Catalyst 14.9.2 beta. The driver enables AMD Mantle API support for Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth, the month's biggest PC game launch. The release doesn't include any other notable changes. Grab the driver for Windows 8.1, Windows 7, and Windows Vista, from the links below.DOWNLOAD: AMD Catalyst 14.9.2 beta for Windows 8.1/7/Vista 64-bit | Windows 8.1/7/Vista 32-bit
10 Comments on AMD Outs Catalyst 14.9.2 Beta Drivers
403 - Forbidden
Fix was I had to F8 and enable last known config that worked to get it to boot.