Saturday, December 2nd 2006

'Successful' Zune launch not a threat to iPod?

Interest in the Zune appears to be "diminishing", according to sales charts. While at launch the Zune was very strong, second only to the iPod in sales, it is now hanging around 60th place on a top 100 list of music players, updated hourly. The Zune accounts for nine percent of sales and 13 percent of MP3 player revenue. While Jason Reindorp, marketing director of Zune, is "very happy with consumer reception to Zune and its sales over the past two weeks", the Zune is certainly nowhere near sales of the iPod. Various iPod models hold the top 6 places on the MP3 player chart, hold 63% of all sales, and take 72.5% of revenue. The Zune also makes most of it's sales through upgrades. In a survey conducted by Reuters, only seven percent of people would buy a brand new Zune, and 33% would buy one as an upgrade. For comparison, 80% of the same group would buy an iPod, but only 18% as an upgrade. This shows that the Zune is much more competitive against basic MP3 players using Microsoft Plays For Sure technology then the iconic iPod.
Source: The Register
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1 Comment on 'Successful' Zune launch not a threat to iPod?

people must realy like their mobile DRM players.
Posted on Reply
Sep 18th, 2024 01:11 EDT change timezone

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