Wednesday, August 26th 2015

AMD Radeon R9 Nano Faster than GeForce GTX 980, Pricing Revealed
AMD's upcoming super-compact graphics card, the Radeon R9 Nano, will be faster than NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 980, and a whopping 30% faster than the GTX 970, according to the company. At its size, it will offer the fastest pixel-crunching solution for compact ITX/SFF gaming PC builders, and that is something AMD want to capitalize on. If what we're hearing is true, then not only will the R9 Nano have the same core-config as the R9 Fury X, but also its price - US $649.99. At this price, the R9 Nano definitely isn't going to affect sales of the GTX 970 or GTX 980, which are currently going for as low as $299 and $465, respectively; but serve as a "halo product," targeted at SFF gaming PC builders.
111 Comments on AMD Radeon R9 Nano Faster than GeForce GTX 980, Pricing Revealed
You will need to use DP 1.2a+ for 4k at 4:4:4 @ 60hz
Price is meh, I'll for sure never buy such an expensive card, but then again I'm not going to buy neither Mercedes nor Rolex and that doesn't mean there is no market for them.
Also since NV can get along with a 1000$ card, I don't see why wouldn't AMD get along with 650$ as long as they have the technological edge and in this case they definitely have it, its impressive to have so much power in such a small form factor.
Besides, the 980ti's are as fast as the Titan X, so Nvidia kind of make weird pricing (where the fastest is pretty much cheaper than their halo product). But hey, 980ti's and Fury X cost the same here so we have pricing equilibrium.
However, now that it is more clear, I'd have said $500-$550 tops. Given that it is smaller form factor + it doesn't look to have Crossfire connections...not to mention it has a very basic HSF, yeah $650 is waaaaaaay too much.
Currently the 30% increase versus a GTX 970 would put it in direct competition with GTX 980 Ti, which costs the same, but the nano having the advantage of being much smaller.
The current performance per price king seems to be GTX 970 at around $330, this is the point where more performance starts to cost much more which is why GTX 980 is not a good deal, in an ideal world, 30% more performance than GTX 970 would cost $429 in order to have the same performance per price ratio, if AMD wanted to really beat Nvidia they could have gone for $500 or even a bit more if it really performs almost equal to 980 TI.
But as it is now, it seems they just played by Nvidia pricing rules or maybe it is because they really cost too much to produce, maybe they know Nvidia could lower their prices if they try to upset them, so that would mean everyone loses, except consumers of course.
Was expecting a price of 450-500€ max, but 600+ is just too much.
And FTR, Hawaii and Fiji scale better in dual configuration using XDMA than sli. (Where supported).
The nano, beeing a Fury X with lower clocks and same price as the Fury X will have a even lower pref/price ratio than the Fury X, will be interesting if it is lower than the Titan X.
Also, for the price of one 980 Ti i can get two 290X (or 390) here in Norway, and as long as CF works that is quite a lot faster than one 980 Ti
AMD keeps rolling em out like hotcakes. AMD is now beyond the point of no return.
I cannot imagine that they will be able to compete with nVidias Pascal next year because what ever AMD do and how ever they do it, it will be a total failure and a major disappointment.
This "Faster than 980" may only be true for a few minutes before throttling kicks in. I really hope AMD is not trying to use the performance figure of those few minutes to justify the $650 price tag.
Hope NDA is up in a few days so we can see what independent reviews have to say about those claims.
Even at $650 for nano AMD will struggle with demand for the first few months. There is no business reason to sell them cheaper, when they cant keep up with demand at $650. It would actually be a very dumb and bad business decision to sell them cheaper at this point.
Some of you guys also seem to be forgetting , this is the fastest card of all time in this form factor, and the best performance to watt card of all time. It also has new technology. IF Nvidia made a card with these kind of specs it would be $1,000
After the 980Ti, AMD have the next 3 fastest cards, and theres not much between 980Ti and FuryX anyway, AMD's pricing is pretty standard for this performance. Pricing doesnt seem to be an issue when Nvidia release cards, but when AMD does it, its a problem for some reason, and AMD arent even as bad as Nvidia with their $1,000 and $1,200 cards. weird