Wednesday, October 14th 2015

AMD Corporate Fellow Phil Rogers Jumps Ship to NVIDIA
Phil Rogers, a senior Corporate Fellow with AMD, and one of its longest serving employees, left the company for rival NVIDIA. He was with AMD/ATI for 21 years. Rogers joined AMD in 1994, and was promoted to Corporate Fellow back in 2007. One of his key contributions to the company was seeing the potential in integrating CPU and GPU into one powerful chip, under the Fusion initiative. In his new job at NVIDIA, Rogers will be Chief Software Architect for compute servers. This is a big deal.
NVIDIA is investing a lot of money into cloud computing (as in computing on the cloud), in which people will not only play games rendered on the cloud, but also more serious applications based on deep-learning and AI could be cloud-driven. With the right cloud computing service subscribed, even a tiny personal device like a smartwatch can crunch complex problems. As a chipmaker with high TFLOP/s GPGPU chips, NVIDIA is eyeing itself a big slice of the emerging industry, and wants the best hands on the job. NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang has a personal interest in compute servers, and he has entrusted one of its most important jobs to Rogers. This is the second major event of attrition by innovative people at AMD. Recently, CPU architect Jim Keller left AMD after completing a stint at designing its new "Zen" micro-architecture.
NVIDIA is investing a lot of money into cloud computing (as in computing on the cloud), in which people will not only play games rendered on the cloud, but also more serious applications based on deep-learning and AI could be cloud-driven. With the right cloud computing service subscribed, even a tiny personal device like a smartwatch can crunch complex problems. As a chipmaker with high TFLOP/s GPGPU chips, NVIDIA is eyeing itself a big slice of the emerging industry, and wants the best hands on the job. NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang has a personal interest in compute servers, and he has entrusted one of its most important jobs to Rogers. This is the second major event of attrition by innovative people at AMD. Recently, CPU architect Jim Keller left AMD after completing a stint at designing its new "Zen" micro-architecture.
51 Comments on AMD Corporate Fellow Phil Rogers Jumps Ship to NVIDIA
Sooner than later, we'll find out just how good Zen is.
Timothy Green, the author, disclosed that he owned some Nvidia shares (at the bottom of the article) but not AMD shares so I doubt he's shorting AMD.
Here it is a more positive article
Is a Surprise Coming for Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) This Earnings Season? - Yahoo Finance
I am watching at some financial pages for news because sometimes they are posted there faster than on the known hardware sites, but I wouldn't take without a huge quantity of salt their predictions as written in stone, because people who write on these sites could have an interest to write what they write. I don't give more credit to the Zack's article compared to the Fool's one.
What if he's actually a spy for AMD? :wtf:
This shouldn't effect the company too bad. Yeah, he was heading up the HSA area at AMD, but they still have plenty of people working on it over there.
Nvidia doesn't have a X86 so it will have to fight an ARMs race. Qualcomm just announced its intentions and PEZY-SC2 is coming.
Main specifications are as follows of "PEZY-SC2" being planned at the moment.
- 製造プロセス:14-16nm FinFET Manufacturing process: 14-16nm FinFET
- ダイサイズ:400-500mm2 Die size: 400-500mm2
- 動作周波数:1.0GHz Operating frequency: 1.0GHz
- 搭載独自コア数:4,096 Equipped with its own core number: 4,096
- 演算性能:8.2TFLOPS(倍精度)/16.4TFLOPS(単精度) Computing performance: 8.2TFLOPS (double precision) /16.4TFLOPS (single precision)
- 内臓CPU:デバッグ・管理用に加えて、新たに汎用演算用にも利用 Visceral CPU: In addition to for debugging and management, newly utilized for general-purpose computing
- メモリインターフェース1:500GB/s(独自)* 8 ch(パッケージ内接続) Memory interface 1: 500GB / s (own) * 8 ch (package connection)
- メモリインターフェース2:HMCまたはHBM(ch数は未定) Memory interface 2: HMC or HBM (ch number of undecided)
- 外部インターフェース:PCIe Gen3/4 x8 * 6 Port External interface: PCIe Gen3 / 4 x8 * 6 Port
- 消費電力:100W(プロセッサ単体でパッケージ内積層DRAM等を含まず) Power consumption: 100W (not including the package within the stacked DRAM or the like in a single processor)
The pie is shrinking for everyone.At the other hand Nvidia is doing very well in every thing they do except for mobile. JHH CEO of Nvidia probably know how valuable is Phil Rogers and gave him job where Nvidia is trying to expand.
I think Nvidia is trying to build the next Grid with in house ARM CPU.
I used this article and and the link below to make this conclusion.,1-2852.html
8.2 TFLOPs double-precision from 100w is pretty phenomenal. Xeon Phi draws a lot more power for only 1 TFLOP double-precision. Fury X is 8.6 single-precision weighing in at, what, 275w? Granted, these numbers will naturally improve with the move to 14-16nm.
wtf! is this the beginning of the end?